Jokes On You

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Tokyo training camps had a habit of pulling pranks and jokes throughout the days of the camp. However, they neglected to tell their new friends joining them causing a lot of screams in the middle of the night. After the second night of this happening, they caught on pretty quickly. Devising a plan to get them back, all of them back, throughout the week.

Every night since the second night, Nishinoya would cover his face in makeup that Tanaka's sister left for that reason. Covering his face in fake bruises and wearing all white. He walked around the halls with his hair down looking like a child.

He was instructed to NOT GO NEAR ANYONE, just to stay far enough away from them to look like a ghost. Standing at the end of halls and leaving and somehow disappearing when someone turned a corner to investigate. He giggled and laughed from a closet and it made people scream and run.

The boys thought it was a joke but the next day no person there matched the description of the kid and had no markings.

Goura was the first. Then Konoha, Bokuto, Akaashi, then Kuroo, Lev, Shibayama, and finally Chigaya were just the students. Coach Naoi and Coach Yamiji were the captains who saw him.

Words spread like wildfire around the school and training camp. Questions arose about who the kid was when Tsukishima told a story at breakfast and asked if he knew anything about it.

Yamaguchi looked at him terrified for his life. calling everyone's attention.

"Who saw this kid around the halls?" Yamaguchi asked. Most people raised their hands and everyone at Karasuno stiffened and looked scared.

"What you know something???" Bokuto was eager to want a full night's sleep again.

"There once used to be a boy in town, around 100 years ago, and he was said to play practical jokes and pranks on people. One joke went too far when he fell down a rocky hill and died almost in the middle of where the present Karasuno gym is. He has no name, no identity, the only thing people know him for is his laugh at the terrified looks on people's faces as he scares them." Tsukishima explained trying to hide the sound of delight in his tone.

"He has killed people with his jokes. Putting butter by a staircase, locking them in an airtight closet. He is also said to use these jokes to murder people. He might try to prank you." Suga said in a warning tone.

For the next two days, the other teams were playing sloppily and became easy to beat. The story and Noya were getting to them. It was so funny how the powerhouse teams were unable to sleep because of a ghost story.

They decided since tonight was the last night, that Noya would pick someone and make them scream. To their pleasure, Bokuto and Daiki were awake and heading from the bathroom.

It was Noya's time to strike.

He stood at the end of the hall the Daiki and Bokuto needed to go through to get to their rooms. Noya started to walk towards them, slapping his bare feet on the floor as he did so. Picking up the pace to a jog, the third years bolted, to which Noya chased.

Noya brushed Bokuto's and Daiki's shirts causing them to scream ear-shatteringly loud. Karasuno set up tiny cameras after noticing their success even before the story was made up by Tsukishima, on the spot.

They ran and ran, they ran so hard and so fast Noya couldn't keep up because he was laughing so hard. Good thing Tsukishima added that to the story.

In the morning Daiki and Bokuto looked like they had seen a ghost. Bedsheet pale and dark circles for days.

Karasuno walked into the cafeteria with "THEY TOUCHED US AND AKAASHI SWEAR THEY DID." Bokuto was yelling and shaking Akashi when everyone saw them enter.

"Karasuno, make this kid go away. He touched me and Daiki and I want to sleep again." Bokuto was acting like a child who was apologizing. Head down, playing with his fingers.

Suga decided this would be the last night scare for them, they are leaving today after all.

Suga placed a hand on Bokuto's and Daiki's shoulder. "That means your going to die. Sometime today, all the deaths happen during the day." Suga looked down in pretend sadness.

Daiki and Bokuto asked to skip practice which the coaches willingly allowed, with no objection.

It was time for Karasuno to leave when Noya and Tanaka ran inside saying they forgot something. Getting Noya to get his hair down was all they wanted to do. The tow exited out the side exit and went around to the front of the group.

Noya grabbed Bokuto and Daiki who were in the front. They both looked down and screamed. Noya laughed as everyone backed away. The two boys as well as Karasuno were rolling on the ground, Kiyoko, Takeda, and Ukai were more composed but still let out giggles.


"YOU THOUGHT I WAS A GHOST! WHEN YOU TWO SCREAMED LAST NIGHT IT WAS GREAT. My favorite was Akaashi by himself!." Noya was wheezing between his words.

"When, he, straight out, bolted. I DIDN'T KNOW HE COULD SHOW EMOTION LIKE THAT!"

The laughter between the two second years picked up again.


"Yeah, you're lucky though. We wanted to use Asahi with his hair down but he would just apologize so I did. It was fun! AND we got all your reactions on tape, so cool!" Noya was standing with Tanaka as they went to the bus.

"Don't pull pranks on people without telling them first next time. We country folk will scare you to death next time." Hinata called out waving goodbye.

Goodbyes were said and in the end, one thought spoken aloud remained.

"Four powerhouse schools of 50 or so people got pranked by a 5' 3" second year and a team of country bumpkins. We are totally lame! They had a story and everything!" Shibayama said. He started to laugh and the rest joined in finding the situation in a new light hilarious.

Jokes on you guys! (Thanks Noya)Where stories live. Discover now