"Do it and I'll shave your red hair off when you sleep," She replied sweetly. She kissed Fred on the cheek purposely and walked away with a smirk, addressing a young brunette holding a clear vial who immediately started bombarding her with questions.

"Merlin, I love her," Fred sighed, leaning against the doorway. "I'm going to marry her one day."

"Unless you break up again," George chuckled. Fred glowered at his brother and when he turned to the shop floor, he smacked him upside the head painfully. George turned to the counter with a smack but the bell rang through the store. The twins turned to the entrance with an innocent grin, acting as if nothing occurred moments before.

"Welcome to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes!"


"And, we are closed!" George announced, pointing his wand at the door which clicked itself shut from the outside.

"Finally," Fred said, turning and reappearing next to Kiara in the WonderWitch section with a loud crack. She jumped with surprise but relaxed immediately when Fred grabbed her face and kissed her deeply. "I was counting down the seconds until I could kiss you again."

"I can tell," Kiara said breathlessly, staring at him with pink eyes.

George cleared his throat loudly, throwing a disapproving look at the couple who grinned bashfully. Kiara stepped away from Fred and walked over to the shelves, waving her wand as she did so to reorganise and clean the store. Fortunately, Kiara turned seventeen the month before, which meant that she was allowed to do magic outside of Hogwarts. For her birthday, George gave her the keys to the store while Fred... Well, Fred surprised her with something that she didn't expect. He gave her a promise ring with the promise that he will never let her go and that one day, he will replace that ring with another.

Kiara ran her thumb across the ring on her right hand subconsciously. It was a stunning gold band with a blue round sapphire in the middle. As Fred said, it matched her eyes before she became an Arcus Oculus which was the reason why he first fell in love with her many years ago.

"When did you fall in love with me, Fred?"

"I had a crush on you when you asked George and me for directions in your First-Year and you defended us from Snape. I fell in love with you the moment at the Yule Ball when you wore that-,"

"Blue dress..."

"It matched your eyes perfectly."

Above all, Kiara thought it was incredible that Fred fell in love with her when her eyes were blue and even when they started changing with her emotions, his love for her never wavered. It showed that his love for her was infinite, even when they were apart.

"Looks like we made over our profit again," Lee announced, counting the gold Galleons. "Shall I put it back into the register?"

"Not likely," Fred observed, glancing at the almost full drawers. "Bag it up, I'll drop it off to Gringotts tomorrow morning."

Lee nodded. Kiara was murmuring spells to tidy and organise the store as Verity exited the backroom, making a beeline for Fred. Kiara pursed her lips impatiently. Verity was a pretty girl, with long blonde hair and a thin figure. She was somewhat, the opposite to Kiara, especially with her personality. She was rude and bossy, except when it came to Fred.

Since she started working at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, she noticed Verity's infatuation with Fred. It was apparent because she ignored herself, George and Lee, and only spoke to Fred during business hours. It was worse as Verity was aware that Kiara and Fred were dating because they didn't try to hide it. As a newly rekindled couple, they were not afraid of displaying their affection. According to George however, the announcement of their relationship has only made her worse and he desperately wanted to fire her.

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