15. The Moonstone

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The air between Hongjoong and Seonghwa was odd. Ever since the sudden confession of the pirate of being the only man who had ever had the pleasure to live after a meeting with the strict commander, Cabezon tried his best to remember the incident. He seemed to doubt no longer that the pirate of the past and Hongjoong were the same people. And yet, he frowned most hours of the day when he couldn't recall the exact details of their encounter.

Hongjoong didn't want to tell him. It felt wrong to him to reveal to a man who blissfully forgot his misdeeds what evil he had done. Without him possibly ever remembering.

But also, Cabezon's forgetfulness made the captain furious. All this time, he had waited, had sharpened his knives and his mind for the day he would meet the gruesome commander again. He had dreamt of him, of conquering his handsome features and having the man kneel just how he had done to Hongjoong.

All of his effort and fire against his enemy had been for nought. If he fought Seonghwa now, it would feel like a battle against a senile old man who was helpless in his defence. That was not what Hongjoong wanted. He wanted to fight the man, but he didn't want to win.

Ultimately, it all came down to the argument that Hongjoong had with San at dinner.

"An' 'e just forgot? Remembers nothin'?"

"Nothin' at all. Except that 'e caught me an' wanted to punish me."

San peeled a fishbone from between his teeth. While he was at it, he used it to scrape any residue food from the cramped spaces. Hongjoong leaned back on the bench with a long-suffering sigh.

"Sounds suspicious to me, Cap. Too convenient that 'e forgot only the rotten parts. Ye sure 'e ain't just denyin' 'em?"

Hongjoong was. In the weeks out here with Cabezon, he had found out that he could read the man like an open book. Anything but the usual contempt in his eyes was apparent in his features. He was a terrible liar.

"'E ain't. An' now I ain't sure what I want with 'im anymore. I can't punish a man fer somethin' 'e does nay remember 'e did."

With a grimace, San wiped the bone off his finger using his plate. He patted his exposed stomach, never caring much for a shirt on warm days.

"I know ye 'eld this grudge fer a while. But what if ye try to treat Cabezon as the commander ye met a few weeks ago? As yer jack tar toy that fights aft in the same way, without rememberin'."

Hongjoong's sharp eyes scrutinised the man. Most of the time, San was a careless and playful man. Seeing his eyes narrow with attention as he explored the captain's mind was a seldom and sobering experience.

"Ye suggest I treat 'im as me regular enemy? Without revenge?"


Hongjoong had to think about that for a long time. He still felt wronged, still felt as if Seonghwa hadn't learned his lesson. Or had he? If it were brainwashing, as they currently assumed, then the church and his superiors probably already made the man suffer unimaginable pain.

In his motives, Hongjoong's revenge plan translated into the desire Seonghwa and he had for each other. The desire that had prompted Seonghwa to go against his rules all this time ago in that wet prison cell. And the same desire to take him apart.

"Even if ye did nay want to catch up with 'im from the past. Ye would want 'im on 'is knees fer ye anyway, am I right?"

Their eyes met again.

Right. Seonghwa had fallen into their play without remembering Hongjoong. Out of pure tension between them alone. Hongjoong could do the same. He could desire Seonghwa for the banter they shared now.

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