Chapter 1

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It was a lovely autumn day, the trees were shedding their old leaves and growing new ones. Meanwhile Namjoon was staring outside through the window drinking his latte.

Namjoon:Ah....what a lovely day.

Namjoon was admiring the beautiful weather.

Namjoon:maybe I should take a walk outside.

Namjoon grabbed his coat, wore it and went outside.
While walking, Namjoon happened to stop by a flower shop.
He couldn't stop admiring the beautiful rose...
It reminded him of a certain person.

FLASHBACK:when he was a kid.

Namjoon:ooh~ a beautiful rose.

Just before he could pick the rose, some else took the rose.

Namjoon:YAH!!! That's my rose!.
???:oh... Really?.
???:it doesn't have your name on it.
Namjoon:w-well i saw it first, that's means it mine.
???:i don't think so.
Namjoon:just give it!!

Namjoon faked his crying so that the boy would give the rose to him.

???:ok here.
???:please stop crying...

Namjoon immediately changed moods.

Namjoon:thank you ah-?
???:my name is Seokjin.
Namjoon:now let me finish my statement.
Namjoon:thank you Seokjin-ah.
Seokjin:call me hyung, you look younger than me.
Namjoon:ok hyung.
Namjoon:let's be friends!!
Seokjin:ok then-ah?
Namjoon:my name is Namjoon.
Seokjin:ok Namjoon.

Seokjin was a quite kid, he didn't like talking to others kids much. Because of Namjoon he became more friendly.

Namjoon:hyung let's play a game!!!
Seokjin:ok then, what kind of game?
Namjoon:hide and seek!
Namjoon:i hide you seek!
Seokjin:ok ready...1....2....3....4....5 ready or not here i come.

Seokjin ran and started trying to find Namjoon. But Seokjin couldn't find Namjoon.
He then heard crying from behind a bush.

Seokjin:ha found you namjoon-, what happened?
Namjoon:i got a boo boo.
Seokjin:aw...please stop crying~here i have a band-aid.

Seokjin gently placed the band-aid on the wound.

Seokjin:there all better, right?.
Namjoon:mhm, thank you hyung!
Seokjin:your welcome namjoo-.
Namjoon:call me joonie.
Seokjin:ok joonie.
Seokjin:oh look! The sun is setting, we should go home.
Seokjin:do you know your way home?
Namjoon:yup, it's just a few blocks away.
Seokjin:what street?
Namjoon:##### street.
Seokjin:oh! We live in the same street!.
Namjoon:how come I've never seen you before?
Seokjin:we just moved in 3 days ago.
Namjoon:let's go home already, our eomma's must be worried.

Namjoon grabbed Seokjin's hand and ran to their home.

Since that day they became friends.

End of Flashback:back to present.

Shopkeeper:umm sir would you like to buy these roses?
Namjoon:o-oh what, I'm sorry I zoned out...what were you saying?..
Shopkeeper:i said if you wanted to buy the roses.
Namjoon:sure, how much?
Shopkeeper:7 dollars.

Namjoon handed the money and took the flowers.

He eventually decided to stop by a cafe, that served delicious shortcakes.

He arrived at the cafe but before he could get in he remembered Seokjin again.

Flashback:when they were kids (again).

Namjoon:i wish I could buy that shortcake.
Seokjin:but you can.
Namjoon:i don't have money...
Seokjin: I'll pay for you!!!

They both went inside the cafe

Cashier:what would you like?
Namjoon:that strawberry shortcake.

The cashier was about to give the shortcake, when she said.

Cashier:ok the money please.

Although there was a tiny problem...
Seokjin handed toy money not real money.

Cashier:baby boy this is play money.

The cashier thought I was cute~

Cashier:nevermind you can both have the shortcake for free.
Namjoon and Seokjin:REALLY!!!
Cashier:giggles* yes
Namjoon and Seokjin:yay!!!

The cashier placed the shortcake inside a paper bag and handed it over to Namjoon and Seokjin.

End of flashback

Namjoon:ah... Good memories.

Namjoon went inside the cafe and ordered his favorite shortcake.

Namjoon: excuse me sir, i would like to buy that strawberry shortcake please.
Cashier:ok sir, dine in or take out?
Namjoon:dine in.
Cashier:ok sir, that would be...7 dollars.

Namjoon handed the money and went to find a sit.

Namjoon:this is the perfect spot.

Namjoon sat next to the window.

Waitress:here's your order sir.
Namjoon:Ah, thank you.
Waitress:just doing my job sir.

Namjoon finished his shortcake and decided to go home.
Namjoon accidentally turned the wrong way home.

Namjoon:huh?, I don't remember this arcade here before?.
Namjoon:meh, must be new.
Namjoon:maybe I should go in.

Namjoon went inside and saw a familiar sight.

Namjoon: huh, Isn't that the old claw machine?

Namjoon saw a super mario plushie inside it.
Namjoon remembered another memory.

Flashback:when they were kids (again).


Namjoon saw seokjin struggling, so he went to check if Seokjin was alright.

Namjoon:hyung are you ok?
Seokjin:I'm fine, it's just that I couldn't get this super mario plushie.
Namjoon:awe man if I could reach it, i would get it for you *pouts*.
Seokjin:it's ok...
Seokjin:we can play a different game.
Namjoon:what game?
Seokjin:come-on I'll show you!

End of flashback.

Namjoon decided to try the claw machine hoping he might get the super mario plushie.

Namjoon:ugh...i didn't know it was this hard!
Namjoon:yes I got it.

Namjoon danced excitedly, he couldn't believe he got it.

Namjoon:huh, it's getting dark. I'll just ride a taxi on my way home.

Namjoon arrived at his house.
He planted the rose he bought hoping it would grow and become a beautiful rose bush.
He went to bed and cuddled the super mario plushie.

Namjoon's pov:i never expected i would think about Seokjin I miss him? Well it has been years since I last saw him. Shut up Namjoon you need to go to sleep you have work tomorrow.

Namjoon immediately fell asleep.
Little did he know something unexpected was waiting for him the next day~.

End of CHAPTER 1

I'm sorry if it's kind of short i ran out of brain cells lol. But any ways I'm new to writing fanfictions, so forgive me if it's terrible I hope you liked it, and feel free to share your opinion bout it.

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