Chapter 5

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You looked trough the window while George was driving. A silence was predominant in the car, but is was not an uncomfortable silence. Very differently from Dream, who put music out loud and looked at you most of the time, George was completely focused on the road ahead. You were watching him at first, noticing how handsome he looked while he was concentrated, his eyes very open and some lines of expression showing. However, you had too look away to the window after you noticed that his checks were blushing a little bit, probably because he noticed that you were practically staring at him.

- You can wait in the car. I know you are not feeling well. - George says after he had finally parked near a little market, very well-known in your city. He turns his head around, looking at you in the eyes.

- No, it's okay. You drove me here, so the least I could do is buy you some food - You start to remove your seatbelt, but it's put back on almost instantly. George reached to it, not noticing how that action made your bodies get really close. While he was looking to the seatbelt, you could analyze his face from up close. You always knew your friend was good-looking, but wow. You didn't know if it was the drinks that you had at the party, the fact that you had been single for so long, or if it was just due to your headache, but what you did know was that George was extremely attractive in that moment.

- No, Y/n. That's not the deal we made. I said I was going to buy you food, not the other way around. - He leans back to his seat, not noticing how you missed the heat from his body. His words sounded a little bit upset, or frustrated even.

- Okay, okay - You say throwing your hands up, showing him that he won. - But next time I'll buy.

He smiled at you, glad that you agreed with him. George left the car soon after, walking towards the market. But he did check multiple times if the car was locked, telling you to scream if any creep tried to approach you and he would come running to help you. You laughed, emphasizing to him that you would be fine and there was no need to worry. But you were glad that he was worried about you.

Not long after he left, you hear your cellphone ringing. You reach to your purse, looking at the name on the screen. "Nick <3".

- Hey, hey - You say, picking up the phone. From the noise coming trough, you knew that he was still at the party.

- Where the fuck are you? I've been trying to find you for the last 20 minutes - Sapnap said and you could clearly noticed that he was worried about you.

- I'm with George. I wasn't feeling well, so he is driving me back home.

- Why didn't you say anything earlier? I would have taken you back home as soon as you arrived if I knew you weren't feeling well. I swear I'm gonna kill Clay for forcing you to come.

- It's okay - You laughed. He was most definitely looking around trying to find Dream.

- But wait you are with George? Like, just you and him? Alone?

- Yes? - You said a little confused. It's not like you haven't been alone with the three of them at some point before.

- While you are looking like that?

You looked at the small mirror on George's car, analyzing your face. You tried to find something weird, but you there was nothing wrong. You looked the same.

- Like what? - You ask, even more confused.

- Extremely hot and attractive.

You feel yours cheeks burning. You were glad George was not around to see how much you were blushing right now. You were not expecting Sapnap to say that, out of the blue. You both played around and flirted with each other all the time, but this time it felt real.

- I was going to tell you that in person, but you decided to leave early. Too bad. - Nick says after a small silence, assuming that you were probably too flustered to respond.

- Maybe next time. - You say, trying to come up with an answer. Your thoughts were still very confused.

- Yeah. Next time. - He chuckled and that made you feel a little better.

You both talked a little more, before you told him you had to hang up because you saw that George was coming back. Sapnap was still at the party, but he decided to talk to you over the phone instead of having fun with all of his friends.

- George is back! - The boy says smiling, opening the door of the driver seat.

- And with food! - You say trying to take a look at what was inside the market bag, but he moved it away from you.

- Calm down. No spoilers - He says while moving his body to a position in which his back was touching the door, while he was facing you. You did the same. - First, I got some ice cream. The classic. Then I decided to buy you some chocolates as well, because they always say that when a girl is feeling sick, chocolate always made them feel better. And then after I overheard a few girls talking about a new cookie, so I also bought you some. And of course, some chips in case you are not in the mood for candy.

You observe him while he talks, paying more attention to him than to the foods themselves. George had a huge smile on his face, he was so excited about the fact that he bought you food. And the fact that he brought some many options showed you how we really cared about you, and that made your heart melt a little bit.

- So? What do you want first? - His words bring you back to reality.

- Ice cream, for sure - You say smiling, while he takes out a spoon from the market bag and put some ice cream in it. But while he was handing it to you, he dropped a little bit on you, your legs now dirty with melted ice cream.

- Oh god. I'm so so sorry. - George started to freak out, noticing that he also dropped it on your dress. He kept apologizing non stop, even with you trying to tell him that it was completely fine and you didn't care at all. He grabbed some napkins from god knows where and started to clean the mess he made. But he was so desperate that he didn't notice what he was doing. George leaned over to you, his hands holding a napkin while he cleaned your legs. The touch sent chills to your body, making you blush again.

- It's okay, George. I can clean it, don't worry. - You said flustered, while grabbing the napkin from his hand very quickly, so he could stop touching your legs. Not that you wanted him to stop, you just didn't know what you would do if he kept going.

George then leans back to his seat, still looking at you. After a few seconds, you notice him turning around, opening the window next to him. You see how his face was completely red. He probably finally noticed what he was doing.

You start to eat the ice cream again, trying to make the situation less awkward. At first he was still avoiding eye contact with you, but after a while, everything was back to normal. You both kept eating, enjoying a little bit of everything he had bought for you.

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