Edward smacked the book against Emmett's head. "It's a book on the Japanese language, you idiot. I've been learning up on it because I believe his thoughts are hardwired to his native tongue. I've been doing a few online courses as well. It's not that hard to learn if you're determined. I thought maybe you'd like to learn a few things with me. Plus, it could show later down the line that you're interested enough in him to learn his language, and perhaps some of his culture, for him."

"I'm surprised you don't already know the language," said Emmett, taking the book from him.

"I never had a reason to," Edward shrugged. "The family always stuck to America and European countries, and I did the same when I was on my own for a bit..."

Edward trailed off as Alice internally bulldozed her way into his head. He looked behind him and caught the last seconds of glazed over eyes before she grinned and was in front of the windows. She disappeared behind the curtains as they were pulled closed.

Emmett was looking as well, confused, as soon all the curtains on the lower level of the house were closed one by one. "What's her problem?"

"Vision," Edward replied, and he smirked. "You're getting a chance. Don't fuck it up."

Emmett's eyebrows shot up, and he followed Edward back into the house. He was about to ask what Edward had meant when he heard tires rolling up the driveway. He went over and peeked between the curtains, successfully avoiding the rays of light that came through, and watched as the vehicle parked and a white head popped out.

He heard Alice giggle behind him. He turned to her. "Won't the closed curtains look weird considering you only shut them down here?"

"It'll be fine," Alice said, waving her hand dismissively. "Besides, the usually gloomy clouds will be back soon and stay. We'll open the curtains back up then. Unless you didn't want to see Kaneki today..."

"Of course I do," he grumbled, letting the shade fall back into place.

"Well, at least we can officially meet him now," Rosalie said from her spot on the sofa. Emmett searched her face. For what exactly, he didn't know.

"You-You're not going to embarrass me, are you?" He asked uncertainly.

"We'll see."

"Rooooooossssseeee," Emmett whined, walking over to her with a pout on his face. He ignored the doorbell ringing and Esme coming downstairs to answer it. Carlisle was gone for a business trip or something like that.

"What?" Asked Rose in an innocent tone. Emmett rolled his eyes. He knew what she was doing, and he hoped she wouldn't be too aggressive. Rose did have a perfected resting bitch face and usually come off as unapproachable. She never did anything to come off as otherwise, either.

While Emmett was distracted by Rose, Esme came through with Kaneki, who was hesitantly following her. He held the folded clothes he'd been lent in his arms. He spotted Jasper and held them out to him; Esme had mentioned that they had been his.

"Thank you," Jasper said, taking them from the smaller man. Emmett's hoodie sat on top, which he threw at Emmett, hitting him in the back of the head, snapping him out of his bickering, and looking up.

Kaneki still stood in the room's archway, much like he did the night they found him. He wore a gray, somewhat baggy shirt, brown khaki pants, and sneakers. He gave a small hesitant wave. "I came to bring back the clothes you let me borrow."

Before Emmett could respond, Esme asked, "Would you like anything? Water? Something to eat?"

Kaneki's face twitched, almost a look of disgust, as he shifted awkwardly on his feet. "No, I'm alright. I just came to bring back the clothes..."

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