767 13 2


Word Count: 296

In which, y/n gets heartbroken

by finn's words



Y/n and finn were in y/n's rooftop drinking liquor that y/n stole from her parent's/guardian's alcohol cabinet. They sat in silence as the two were admiring the sunset. Finn turned to his left to admire his girlfriend, "you're beautiful, you know that?" he said as he took a sip of his liquor. "You tell me that everyday, so yeah." she said as she locked eyes with him.

"Can you promise me one thing?" he said. "What is it?" she asked. "Promise me that we would not leave each other's side, no matter what happens." he said as he looked at his girlfriend with heart eyes. "I promise." she said as she kissed him passionately.

That was 5 years ago. Y/n and finn are now both 23 and their relationship has been going downhill. They've been busy wth their lives that they barely had time for each other. Both tried to keep the relationship happy but ends up failing. 

"Y/n/n, i'm sorry. I love you so fucking much but I just can't do this anymore. I'm sorry" finn said as tears were building up in his eyes. "Finn, didn't we promise each other that we wouldn't leave each other's side no matter what happens? what happened?" she asked as streams of tears continuously fell down her cheeks. "We were dumb and immature back then, y/n. Grow up." he said. Those words hit y/n like lightning has struck her, those words made her break down even more. "I'm leaving, I'm sorry" finn said as he exited the door. 

swaggiepaulson speaks !!

This book is supposed to be happy and cute imagines 

but i'm not really in the mood to write something cute rn.

Should I do a part 2? If yes, please comment ideas<3

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