824 17 5


Word Count: 390

In which, finn and jaeden

tell pick up lines to y/n



bold- finn

italics- jaeden

underline- y/n

normal- narrator

"Hi! I'm Finn Wolfhard and I play Dominic Pratt." he said, then looked to his side signaling y/n to introduce herself. "I'm y/n y/l/n and I play Ruth Taylor." she said as she turned her head to signal jaeden. "And I'm Jaeden Martell and I play Tate Bryant." he said as the three face the camera smiling. "And we are the cast of 'Our last summer'" the three said all together.

"Netflix invited us to play a game called 'charm battle'" y/n said. "In which, Finn and I will be telling y/n pick up lines." Jaeden said as he pointed to finn and himself. "And y/n will be judging our pick up lines from 1-100, and in the end whoever has the most points wins!" finn said with excitement. 

*start of the boys saying pick up lines*

"y/n, are you australian?"


"cause you meet all my koala-fications"

"awww that's cute, i'll give it uh 25"

"what?! only a 25? not fair."



"did your drivers license get suspended for driving all these guys crazy?"

"i failed my drivers license test, jae."

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