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Laura was talking with Natasha and Yael but her eyes never leaving Taylor who was currently talking with Jason Biggs. She dislikes the fact that her wife was touched by the actor, even though it was just because they were acting together. But she knew Jason somehow attracted to Taylor. Who doesn't, that blondie was gorgeous, easy peasy to admiring her.

"Pre! Laura fucking Prepon stop fucking Taylor with your eyes!" Natasha shouted as she patted Laura's shoulder. Laura shocked. She responded by punching Natasha lightly on her shoulder.

"You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Well, considering you're eye fucking Taylor, I don't think you will get a heart attack. It's more to wet attack." Natasha pun. Yael laughed upon hearing that.

"I did not."

"Say the one who looking at Taylor like she is not wearing any clothes for the past 10 minutes or so." Yael smirked.

"Or are you jealous because she is talking with Jason who clearly flirting with her." Natasha lifted her eyebrow smiling. Yael also looking at the taller woman with grinned forming on her mouth.

"Nope." Laura smiled, trying to hide her true feeling. "Both of you guess wrong."

"Honestly, if we didn't know that you are straight woman, we think that you are into Taylor, Pre."

"What? Why?"

"Because the way you look at her.... fuhh! Give us a goose bump! You seem totally in love with her." Natasha whistling.

"Yes, the way you look at Schilling, it's wow. Or could it be you are bisexual without you realising it Pre?" Yael suggested and actually she hit the jackpot without knowing it.

"No. I definitely not a bi. Never be."

"Why? What's so wrong about it? Is it because your family against it?"

"No, of course not! They are very open minded about this thing."

"Then, what is the reason?"

"No reason. I'm just not attracted to a woman." Liar! Laura's inner conscious mocking at her.

"Okay. But seriously you and Taylor are really look good together. The fans will die if Laylor is real."

"Don't you all said that she and the billionaire are match made from heaven?" Laura smiled mockingly.

"Well, if she and that billionaire are match made from heaven, then you and Taylor are match that as hot as the hell's fire." Yael replied jokingly.

"Hot as the fire of the hell, huh?" Natasha laughed hard followed by Laura and Yael. But Laura's laughter instantly faded when she saw Jason holding Taylor's hand. No way! Acting mode can, other than that are not acceptable.

"Hey, Jason fucking Biggs. Don't touch the blondie's hand, she is mine!" Laura shouted angrily. Taylor, Jason, Yael, Natsha and other people around them was shocked. Taylor almost fainted. That fucking wife of hers! Is she wanted to get both of them into trouble? Taylor gritted her teeth.

"Sorry guys! That was a joke." Laura laughed trying to cover her sudden outburst. Oh God! She must be crazy. Not attracted to a woman huh?!

"Because Tasha and Yael talking about Tay and me are match as hot as the hell's fire, so I pulled a stunt to see their reaction."

Good girl! Taylor smiled. Luckily, Laura was smart in making an excuse and save herself from Taylor's wrath at home later.

"Wow. You almost gave everyone a heart attack." Yael laughed. Yeah... I almost got a heart attack too. Laura replied inside her brain. But thank God, Jason let go Taylor's hand because of the so called stunt from her.

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