Chapter One

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I laughed as I ran through the forest, Oliver right behind me.

"I'm going to get you!" Oliver yells.

"Good luck with that!" I yell back.

"Don't need it!"

I dash through the woods, weaving in and out of the twisted patterns of trees.

I glance behind me, seeing my little brother, Oliver, close behind. But, being two years older than him, I have more practice. I scamper up a tree, and Oliver, not seeing me, keeps running.

I wait a moment, and I suppose now he's realized I'm not there, and he comes back looking up in the trees. Luckily, he doesn't see me, but I have the perfect view of him. I smirk, looking down at him, perched on my tree limb. I accidentally let out a giggle, and he looks up where I'm at, but he just hasn't seen me yet.

"I know you are up there, Astoria!" He yells up at me.

"Oh, but am I? Perhaps I'm not. Maybe I'm not here at all, I've been a hallucination, and base camp doesn't even exist. I don't exist." I say in a faux eerie tone.

"Ha. Ha. Come on, get down here. We were assigned to hunt for camp and we still have nothing, and we'll need like four whole deer to feed the whole camp. You don't want to let 150 people starve, do you?" Oliver says.

"Come on, we'll be fine. You know I'm the best with the bow out of everybody we know, I'll get the camp meal easily. Lighten up!" I reply back, and he huffs.

"Astoria!" He yells at the top of his lungs.

"Calm down, calm down. I'm coming." I say, and I grab my hand crafted bow from it's resting place on a wide branch, but then Oliver screams, and I look down to see a group of three vampires, all surrounding him. They haven't seen me yet.

"Let me go! Come on, let me go!" Oliver screams. At camp we've been trained to never bring somebody else into our situation if we were captured, that's why he's not calling out to me. He's protecting me. But we lost our parents when I was four and he was two, and being the eldest child, that's not his job. I protect him. So I take a deep breath, enjoying my last seconds of freedom, and possibly life.

"Hey!" I yell, and their heads all snap to me.

"Oh, what do we have here?" One vampire says.

"I can smell her blood, it's the sweetest I've ever smelt." Another growls.

"She'll catch us a nice bag of money at the pet shops." The last days.

"Rot in hell." I say to them, and then I notch an arrow and get a hit in the shoulder of one of the vampires. I don't have any silver arrows, so even if I decided to hit one of them in the heart, it'd be pointless, they'd be fine. Hearts hurt more, but arms, shoulders, and legs will all keep my prey from moving. With animals, I want a quick death, of course, but for vampires, I can't kill, so my goal is to escape.

I'm obviously upset about this situation, who wouldn't be? However, this is actually looking pretty good for me. They haven't gotten me yet, which means the idiots can't climb trees. How I'm supposed to get Oliver though, I've no clue.

The vampire I shot groans.

"You bitch!" He says.

Of course, the branch I'm on decides this is a wonderful time to snap.

I tumble down, and one of the vampires catches me. I try to wiggle out of his grip, but he's literally ten times stronger than me.

"Hey, Alexander? You got any sleep drug? Good as this one smells, we shouldn't drain her, she'll get us a shit ton of money."

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