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~Alex POV~

Jaxx pulled out a big sword that he was holding behind his back. It had a red blade and looked very powerful.
Alex: Jaxx you dont have to do this
Light: we know you can hear us Jaxx
Jaxx: ...*groans*
Zach: Jaxx?
Jaxx: g-guys?
Jaxx: I..I..c-cant...t-too..strong
Charli: c'mon Jaxx, You can
do it
Jaxx: Im...s-sorry
Alex: No, JAXX!!
Jaxx: Attack...

Then she ran towards us with his sword. The twins somehow got extra weapons that we could use to fight Jaxx. I really dont want to have to fight my friend, but if its what I have to do to save it.
All 6 of of us ran towards Jaxx and started to fight.

(time skip cause im too tired to write what happened in the battle, so picture it how you want)

Its been almost an hour and we were all so exhausted and Jaxx was still at full strength. Just like the first time when he fought Drake in the apartment building. But we were not going to give up, we gathered all the strength that we had left and charged back into battle...all of us...exept Zach. Zach was still sitting on the ground leaning against one of the walls and looked like he was about to pass out again. So while Jaxx was still distracted with the others, I quickly went over to Zach.
Alex: Zach are you ok
Zach: Im just a bit...tired
Alex: Zach it looks like you can barely stand, are you sure you're fine
Zach: im fine, lets go back and help the others

He tried getting up, but he just fell back down again and held his side, and he looked like it hurt...alot.
Alex: ZACH!!!
Zach: its ok princess
Alex: No its not, I never should of agreed to let you come, I knew you were hurt and I put you in this dangerous situation...and...and-
Zach: Alex, dont worry...I'll be ok, but you need to go help the others
Alex: b-but Zach..
Zach: I'll stay here and rest and stay out of trouble if it makes you feel better...
Alex: ok...I'll be back
Zach: please be careful
Alex: I will

I dont know if this is a good idea to leave Zach like this...what if someone hurts him, or he gets kidnapped again. Just incase this turns out for the worst, I gave Zach one last kiss before I left. And so I went back to the others to fight Jaxx.

~Light POV~

Its been an hour and we're still trying to take down Jaxx and get to the necklace to break the spell and free him. I was going to attack him from behind and hit him with the weapon I had in my hand, but when I was running towards him, he somehow saw me and kicked me really hard and I hit my back against the wall. It hurt really bad, but I was still sort of ok. But then I saw something shinny in the corner of my eye. I looked behind one of the curtains of a window, and I saw a long chain and heavy ball. Then I had an idea, but I needed someone else for it to work, but no one is quick enough for my plan exept...charli. This may be suprising but, charli is acctually the third fastest person in the squad. Drake and Zach are faster but they both are hurt and tired, and Charli looks like she has some energy left. So I called her over to talk.
Charli: Are you ok light?
Light: Im fine, but I have a plan
Charli: spill it
Light: Can you distract Jaxx long enough for me to tie him with this ball and chain
Charli: I think so, but of I get too close to that blade I-
Light: ok...maybe you shouldnt do this
Charli: but the others arent as fast as me, plus almost all their energy was drained from the fight
Light: but I dont want you to get hurt too
Charli: So you do care about me 😄😄😄
Charli: right, right...sorry
Light: So what do we do
Charli: stick to your plan
Light: but Charli you cant
Charli: the others cant hold Jaxx off for much longer, we have no other choice
Light: *sigh* ok
Light: ugh...this is the last time I team up with the simp
Charli: HEY!!!

Dispite our little argument, we carried on with my plan. Charli was jumping and running, over and around Jaxx just enough to confuse him. And while he was distracted I wrapped him in the chains as tight as I could untill he wasnt able to move out of them, and used the lock that was on the chains to secure him. Atlast we defeated "Shadow Jaxx". But we were all beat up and really tired.
Alex: WE DID IT!!!
Drake: way to go light and Charli
Charli: we make I nice team, dont we
Light: well...i guess
Alex: and I nice couple like me and Zach
Light: Whatever, where is Zach anyway?
Alex: Oh right!!! I have to go check up on him

All of us went over to where Zach was suppose to be, but we saw him sleeping. HOW DID HE FALL ASLEEP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BATTLE.
Alex: Awww my wittle Zachypoo 😍😍😍
Charli: He must be really tired after all that
Jade: ok then, wake him up already
Alex: dont do it...let him rest
Drake: yeah, Zach's been through alot this past week, so he deserves it.
Light: so what do we do about the necklace wearer
Charli: we have to find her and free Jaxx
Alex: well we cant leave Jaxx and Zach here, what if he breaks the chains and attacks Zach
Jade: someone has to stay and guard Zach until he wakes up
Alex: You guys go, I'll stay with Zach
Drake: are you sure
Alex: Zach has went through so much to protect me, so its time I repay the favour
Charli: ok, good luck alex

~Drake POV~

Alex stayed to watch over Zach while the rest of us left the throne room to go look for the necklace wearer. We had our weapons out ready to defend ourselves from whatever comes to attack us again. Sooner or later we got to this other room that looked like a library. It was so big and it had lots of book shelves with old dusty books. We looked around for any signs her, and maybe in a few books aswell. Most of them were about magic and how to unlock powerful forces. But then I noticed something, on the book of powerful forces, the dust was wiped off, mainly so someone could read it. THE NECLACE WEARER WAS HERE, AND SHE PROBABLY KNOWS HOW TO UNLOCK SOME SORT OF SECRET POWER TO THE NECKLACE!! We have to find her quick now!!! Suddenly we heard something, it sounded like the girl, but we couldnt see her. Then a puff of smoke appeared on top of one of the book shelves, and then we saw...THE SHADOW GIRL AGAIN!!!!

Sorry for not uploading so often...
Im acctually really busy this time of year
But that doesnt mean I cant squeeze in a little time for u guys
I hope u enjoy my stories
But anyways.....



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