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~Zach POV~

It was late at night but I finally decided to get out of bed. But Im not getting out of my apartment. I was looking at out of my window when I saw someone in a black cloack at the window of apartment below me. Thats when I remembered...DRAKE'S APARTMENT IS BELOW MINE. Maybe I can finally solve this mystery and prove to everyone that I'm not a stalker. So I grabbed my phone to take pictures and ran outside to get a better look at them. But when I got outside...they were gone. But then I saw them going towards the woods, so I ran after them. IM GONNA DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO CLEAR MY NAME AND AVENGE MY FRIENDS. I was running as fast as I could, I didnt even know where I was going but I just kept running. Until I realized that I lost the person in the cloak and I was acctually lost. Thats when someone just attacked me and knocked me out, so all I could see was pitch black.

~Alex POV~

It was late and I was staying with Jaxx in his apartment. I have'nt heard anything from Zach ever since he ran off this morning. I know Im still mad at him but maybe I was too harsh with temporarly breaking up with him. I tryed calling him but he isnt answering, thats when I started to worry. I was on the couch when Jaxx came to sit beside me
           Jaxx: whats wrong Alex
           Alex: I havent heard anything from you think he's ok
           Jaxx: Im sure he's fine
           Jaxx: probably busy getting more secrets
           Alex: I guess so...but maybe it isnt Zach
           Jaxx: How so?
           Alex: to be honest, Zach would never do anything to hurt me, plus he has kept it for a long while, why would he expose me now
          Jaxx: then who else could it be
          Alex: Idk, but I need to apologise to Zach tommorow
           Jaxx: ok, but Im going to bed
           Alex: ok, goodnight

~Zach POV~

A few minutes later, I woke up but my vision was a bit blurry and my head hurt. I found myself in an old rusty shack with lots of weapons around me. I tried to get up and call for help but I was tied to a chair and my mouth was taped up. I struggled to get out, but then I saw someone come out of the shadows.
                 ???: nice to see you again...ZACH
                 Zach: y-you...but how...

Who is the mysterious person behind all of this?
Find out in the next chapter...
Guess who it is in ths comments
I wanna see if you guys are smart
Untill then...


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