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The ex sergeant sighed trying to contain his irritancy, looking down at the girl, currently sat in a small cage with a astronaut type helmet on. This was as best as he could do, at the avengers tower she was usually contained in the glass prison they once kept Loki in. Ana needed containing when her powers were unstable, she was incredibly powerful and therefore needed to be in full control. Small little black wisps and sparks came from her, they had died down since she had gotten in "Ready to come out now?" Bucky knew he had to speak gently with her. She had trauma similar to his, but her methods of coping were different, much different.

Anastasia was what they call an age regressor, since what happened to her happened when she was fairly young, she regressed to an age before it happened. Though he felt she acted between 3 and 6. Her and her brother were taken in by the Avengers when they were 10 years old, Steve had told him, they trained them both in combat, Steve taught them morality and ethics, while Nat taught them self care, self preservation while Bruce tried his best to give them an education, wasn't hard as they were still young.

The girl looks up at him teary eyes and nods before lifting her hands as much as she could in the cage, silently asking to be lifted. He sighs and opens the cage and lifts her out.
"Fine, but only because we need to go, now. I need to see Sam." She knew why, it was the same reason she had her little meltdown, John Walker.

"Why'd you give up the shield Sam?" Bucky called, his overall serious and threatening demeanor that came with his angry look and his dark past was slightly dimished by the short girl beside him holding his hand tightly, her hair was in pigtails and her bangs were wavy and in her face, she had on overalls and a a dinosaur onesie underneath, her sneakers were black with flowers embroidered on and she was wearing a sponge bob back pack filled with stuff she would need. Bucky refused to do any, how do you say it, he refused to change her, so she wore training pants and had to use the bathroom by herself like a big girl.

"I didn't, and why is she here? Did you really have to bring her?" Sam asked irritated, he was clearly busy and Bucky came here to lecture him in something that wasn't his fault.
"I had to come because you messed up, I couldn't exactly leave her alone when she's like this, besides, we need to take down John walker and she can help us." Bucky felt her smaller hand squeeze his and she nods.
"I help Sam!" He sighs and looks at Bucky with a questioning look.
"You think she can help like this?" Bucky growls.
"She won't be like this I'll get her out of it."
"She better, I'm tracking down a group of extremists called the flag smashers. I don't need her holding me back."
"She won't."
"Alright then let's go."

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