Double confession

Mulai dari awal


Use your knowledge of why were here
And head to the place
they're more envelopes for you in happy grace

The reason why were here would that be the volleyball court

Yamamoto-mhm let's go

We headed over to the court to see yachi there

Yachi-hey guys I got you the next four letters
They're all numbered in the order you should read them in

My first one

Now you really are here here are some clues
The first one is that my eyes are not  blue

Ok so they are giving me hints about them well at least I know it's not kiyoko

Yamamoto Letter one

Kk here you are here are some clues
Nothing about me is the color blue other than the first time we met

Yamamoto-what the hell that is confusing

Yea .yachi


My second one

OK the next you are getting close the next clue you were one of the people I care for the most

That doesn't help

Yamamoto number two

Use your mind for the  next you see
I have helped you in times where happiness is not seen

Yours could be a lot of people so could mine

Yamamoto-yea Yachi can we have the next

Yachi-of coarse

My letter number three

Sure you might seem like an idiot but at times you're smart just like when you use your heart
You care about me I care about you by the next letter let's see what you can do

Well at least they think I'm sort of smart but it doesn't really narrow down my choices

Yamamoto three

Now now You're almost there and just before you punch the air I just wanted to say for the next clue you don't have one for you reason you'll see. But don't give up hope you'll get one after

Yamamoto-OK so the next one is only gonna be Tanaka

Looks like it

Yachi- here is the last letter

My fourth letter-
Hooray almost there just three more letters then you'll see
The message that it's waited to be
You've left us enough time to go to your room the place where you find the next clues

The second choice clubTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang