A KID!!!

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Danny:I always wanted to go to daddys work but he wont let me,hmph,but guess what i have come up with a plan to go to daddys work today(yes it is a sunday),I don't want to stay here with my grandma shes mean,so i will sneak in the trunk of daddys car and stay there till we get to the park.

Bryan:Hey mom can u stay with Danny?I need to go to work.

Bryan's mom:Oh of course i LOVE HIM.

Bryan:Thanks mom.

Bryan's mom:No problem.


Danny:OK DADDY.°he walked over to his dad°now what did u need daddy?

Bryan:I'm leaving to go to work and your grandma is coming to watch u.

Danny:But daddy grandma is mean,plus I never come to work with u.

Bryan:Thats because u probably get bored in the park,yes there is a lot of stuff be the park is shut down so there will be no-one that is your age and size(maybe helpy will be his size)and i don't think molten or freddy will like me have a kid.

Danny:Ok...srry daddy.

Bryan:It's ok buddy,now daddy has to go,be good for your grandma

Danny:Ok*thinking*that's not what i'm going to do at all*.

Bryan:Ok bye Danny.

Danny:Bye daddy,now i just need to sneek out

3rd person:Danny sneeks out of the house and in to the car(sum how)

Danny:now that i'm in the car I can go to daddy's work(no first he need to get your brother)

Bryan:ok first to the adoption center the to work.

Ok guys...well who ever is reading this i need your help to make the brother yes i will chose the brothers age,u just need to tell me the hair,skin,personality,style,and u can give me the sexuality if u want.I will try to upload daily.Thats all have a good day/night

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