"Did I fall asleep in the poolside yesterday?"


She absentmindedly rubbed her stomach as if taking comfort from the baby's presence to alleviate the fears that were gnawing at her. She decided to do the one thing she always encouraged people to do. Communicate.

"You can't be really enjoying this," she said, her voice almost inaudible but Arnav sure heard it. He was in the midst of combing his hair, which he finished and promptly came to her side.

"What are you talking about?"

"You didn't even kiss me." She didn't look up at his face as she said it.


She jerked at his tone but sat still, still not looking up and Arnav put a hand to her chin, lifting her face up towards him.

"Look at me while you're talking to me. Now repeat what you just said."

He stared at the slight quiver of her lips which barely moved as she said, "I said you didn't even kiss me. Don't you want to—

"Damn it," he said raggedly before pressing his mouth to hers tugging fiercely at her lips, upper after lower, using his tongue to play with hers. Khushi let him take it, sighing in contentment at the feel of him, the masculine scent of him that clinched to her nostrils as she curled her arm around him. One kiss ended but before he could kiss her again, Khushi had a brief glimpse at his face and saw that he was rather irritated.

She pulled away to say, "You're angry."

"Of course I am. I was only getting ready because we have an appointment. I was going to wake you once I showered but you had already woken. Yes, I didn't kiss you but it was not with an underlying cause. Stop applying your psychology laws to our relationship."

She had forgotten all about her doctor appointment. But he had remembered it. Every month it was the day they got to meet their baby. And they both looked forward to it.

"Arnavji... it's just that... we haven't even... it's been months."

"What? Had sex?"

A wild, answering blush spread along the contours of her face.

"So what? What has happened to you?"

"I... don't want you to feel ignored."

"Khushi, I'm beginning to feel insulted. Are you implying that just because we haven't had sex in months, I don't want you anymore? While you were coping with all the changes while carrying our baby, I am so selfish that I don't see what you're going through? I have had a busy 2 months both personally and with regard to work. Don't you know how busy it is during the fashion weeks and the weeks leading to it?"

She nodded. He had been busy, barely managing his time at office and with her. He had also been traveling the past month first to New York, then London, Milan and with Paris pending next week.

What had she been thinking?

He drew her attention back to him from her thoughts by holding her arms in a slight grip, "Do you think I'm so shallow that my only use of you is for sex? If that were it, I would have tired a long time ago." His tone moderately softened looking at her obvious distress when he continued saying, "But that's not the point. You had no problem insisting that we not have sex until after we are married. You weren't scared then that I'd leave you when everyone else was. Where has that faith gone? I am the man who waited more than a year before our marriage to have sex with you. If I can do that then I can wait a few months."

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