Chapter 1

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The bright morning sunlight plowed through my bedroom window. The harsh rays danced upon my tight-fitted sheets. I shifted my body, letting a slight groan escape my thin lips.

School today. I dreaded that horrid place. I loathed sitting in a classroom and watching the clock tick by; as it seemed to go slower by the minute, making me more miserable than I already was. Instead of ending up like my drug-addicted mother, I wanted to go somewhere in life, so attending school and earning decent grades was my best option.

But, today was actually my first day at this new school. And I wouldn't say I was excited, but honestly I was glad to finally get away from my old school. My aunt had convinced my mother to at least transfer me to a new school to get a fresh start.

After a few minutes of these thoughts parading my mind, I decided it would be best to start getting ready. Sliding from under my covers, I hopped out of bed. I dragged my curtains aside, allowing the golden-tinted rays to flood my bedroom. The sun was rested firmly into the morning sky, right above the dense, forested trees near my home. The trees caught some waves of sunlight, only allowing enough to shine through and send a brief message that morning was here, and it was another day in hell.

My dresser drawer remained open from last night when my mother had once again, come home drunk and initiated a fight. I was on the verge of tears, but figured it would be best to get away for awhile. So, I had tossed some clothes on, and left to sit at the park and relax. I came back before midnight, still a bit frustrated, but at least my mom had passed out on the couch so I had slipped into my room easily without her noticing.

Shaking the thoughts from my head, I rummaged through the beat down dresser, looking for something decent to wear. After a few seconds of looking, I at least found a clean t-shirt, and some skinny jeans. I slid a dark blue over-sized hoodie over my head. I yanked my bag from the floor, slinging it over my small, frail shoulder. I was ready for my first day of hell.
I heaved my weight into the heavy metal door, and stepped inside the school building.

The first thing I noticed was the oddly colored tile that seemed to stretch throughout the building. Green and yellow? Why would they choose such odd colors for flooring?

I rolled my eyes, glancing up and pushing the obscene thoughts from my head. Who the hell thinks about flooring anyways? I was almost ready to bash my head into the wall, but was left dumbfounded as a girl had tripped over my sneaker.

Stumbling backwards, I noticed the girl had fallen face first, her books were scattered from one side of the hallway to the next.

I felt anger bubble inside me, and forced a groan, "What the hell? Watch where you're going!" I hissed, eyebrows furrowed and mouth placed in an uncontrollable scowl. Fuck. What the hell was I doing? This definitely isn't going to land me a good reputation, screaming at some girl who had accidentally tripped over my shoe.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing left my lips, and it was all I could do to force an arrogant huff.

She sat on her knees, head hung with embarrassment. Her cheeks, suddenly, had became flushed with a light crimson. "I-I'm terribly sorry.." She stammered, grabbing a purple notebook that had been thrown in front of a nearby locker. She quickly gathered all of her belongings, and rose to her feet. "Again, I'm sorry.. I should've been watching where I was placing my feet." She dipped her head in the slightest motion, before cowering away and continuing on to her destination.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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