Chapter 15: New addition

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Time skip Brought by Pickachu -

Izuku Pov:

It's been a few weeks now since the whole meeting Kiri and Kacchan friends thing went down. Kami has been coming over every day after school to spend time with me. It turns out that his home life wasn't that great. We had found out that Kami's Family mentally abuses him and his mom physically hurt him a lot. So tomorrow He will be moving in with us even though right after we have school. I am happy to have another omega in the apartment. Although it means that we have to change the living arrangement around the place. Kiri and Kami turned out to be mates so they are sharing a room. due to that Kiri had an idea that Kacchan and I should do the same turning Kacchan's old room into a craft room for me to keep all my knitting stuff in so I don't take up the living room with an extra person here. I am happy but at the same time anxious to have Kacchan sharing a room with me. Kacchan already brought his things to my room and donated his bed to the homeless shelter. To be honest I thought the smell of Kacchan would overpower in the room but it didn't. Instead, it's like our scents mixed and all I can smell and feel is comfort. Right now I am laying on my bed reading a form on my computer about signing up for online classes. I tried I really did but physical school right now is too hard. Maybe next year. I talked well stuttered to Kiri about it and he said that he expected that this would happen and he was fine with it. He when to talk to the school on my behalf so I could get started. I haven't told Kacchan yet because I don't want him to be disappointed in having a weak omega. Yes, I heard what his friends said before Kiri joined me in my room that day and I agree with them in some ways. Kacchan and Kiri don't deserve this, having to take care of me. As I wasn't paying any mind to anything Kacchan came in the room as I was still scrolling through reading. "Hey Baby, what are you doing?" I stiffened, closing the computer automatically. "Izuku are you trying to hide something from me, Baby?" I couldn't help but shake believing that I was in trouble so I opened my computer back up and made room for him to sit next to me on the bed. "Kiri is already talking to the school for me." I let him know, showing him my online school application. "Baby why were you scared to tell me?" for some reason I started to cry, " I didn't want you to be disappointed in me." " Oh, Baby I'm not. Here..." he wiped my tears away with his thumb and pulled me into a hug. " We knew that school is tricky and you tried that is all I could have asked for. Now, are you wanting to come to join me in the living room and watch a movie or lay in here cuddling?" I put the computer to the side and got up, " Can we do both watch and cuddle?" He chuckled and nodded walking with me to the living room. We sat down and he started to scroll through NetFlix. "Hey Kacchan?" he paused and looked at me. "Yea what is it?" " I am nervous, Kacchan." he gave his full attention to me putting me in his lap. "About what?" "about this new living arrangement. I mean now that we share a room and stuff...does that mean I ummm...." out of a sudden realization of what I was trying to ask and panic I started to hyperventilate losing my train of thought. The connection to Kacchan cut off and I was in a full-blown breakdown. I don't even know If I understand why this time. Kacchan would never hurt me, he would never do (that) to me. "Izuku Baby, calm down, talk to me!!! Baby what's wrong?!" He started to pet my hair and releasing calming pheromones after some time it worked my breathing evened and my thoughts unblurred. I looked at him and I could tell he was scared. " I'm sorry Kacchan." He held me tight, " Don't be just please tell me what's caused your panic. You said something about the new living arrangements before your panic attack. Are you scared of me?" What am I supposed to say? I mean that is not completely wrong but at the same time, it's not Kacchan. I'm scared of what he could do if I find myself vulnerable to him. So it's more like, " If I say it's not you but your Alpha I am scared of what would you say? Would you hate me?" He looked at me shocked but then embraced me even tighter. "Don't worry I would never touch you without permission. You are safe with me and my alpha promise ok Baby." I smile and nod laying my head on his chest. We stayed like that for a moment until we heard the door open it was Kiri and Kami they were home. Kiri had talked to the school and Kami went with him to change some paperwork for living with us. " We're home, Izu I talked to the school, and you are set although they asked if you could take your test, quizzes, and exams in person." well I guess that's better than anything right. " O..K" "we also brought food." Kami said all excited. We went into the kitchen and started eating when Kiri walked over to me, "Are you ok Izu? You seem I don't know off." before I could respond Kacchan did it for me. "He had a minor panic attack earlier over the living arrangements. But he let me know that it wasn't me it was that he was nervous with my alpha. I think we should all have a sleepover in the living room tonight and get both omegas use to sleeping with us." Kiri liked the Idea and so did Kami so that is what we did. I went into mine and Kacchan's room grabbing what I needed along with some comfort stuff and dragged it all into the living room. Kiri grabbed his and Kami's stuff and did the same. After about 15 minutes we had the best fort ever I crawled in and got comfortable. Kacchan came in after me taking a spot next to me then Kiri was on the other side of me and Kami on the other side of Kiri.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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