𐐪 Episode 2: True Source Of A Woman's Power 𐑂 ·・• ❀

Start from the beginning

'He technically isn't in command anymore. He's not Prince Asch here, just Asch.' I came to a realization and grinned to myself, pressing another button which was green. Suddenly, the rectangular thing started lighting up and the flat-thing inside started spinning around. I widened my eyes in shock. Is this magic?

I was hypnotized by the rotating circular platform inside until I heard a groan coming from the female. I turned around and noticed her waking up. I paid close attention to every move she made, starting with her sitting up.

"Oh my god, oh my god...how the freak did they...I need to get the hell out of here!" I heard her say. She turned around and noticed Pierce, distracting her from me. I noticed Noi lying on the ground, the spirit sleeping on him.

"The human is escaping!" Noi yelled.

"Yeah, I got that much!" I shouted back, noticing Leif and Rhys up ahead. She ran back towards me and made a turn to where I just was, grabbing a circular object. Wait, is that a weapon?! Leif and Rhys walked up to me and saw the female holding the circular object. Leif gasped and confirmed my suspicions.

"A weapon!" Leif noted, widening his eyes. I unsheathed my knives as everyone else got their weapons out.

"Back off! Or I will...hecking...hecking scream!" The female panicked. I raised a brow and noticed what was going on here.

"Wouldn't be the first time I made a female human scream!" Leif said.

"Leif, shut the hell up," I muttered to him.

"You know what I mean!" Leif rushed his sentence.

"I thought I dreamed you guys up!" The human said in a panicked state.

"She saw us in her sleep?" Noi realized.

"She must have the ability to foresee us coming! Humans in this world are powerful..." Rhys said out loud to himself.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?!" The human asked.

"We mean you no harm," I said, putting my knives away and raising my hands in the air.

"...I thought we meant all the harm," Pierce said from next to me, confused. I exhaled sharply in an attempt to not laugh.

"Pierce, shut up," I muttered to him, keeping my composure.

"Please, we just need help and-" Rhys tried calming her down. I put my hands back down at this point.

"I saw you do magic power stuff! Are you the devil's servants?!" The human questioned.

"The...devil?" Leif questioned.

"She means a demon," Rhys clarified.

"Ohh," Leif replied.

"Hear me out. We come with peaceful intent to-" Rhys was cut off by Prince- no, just Asch.

"I've uncovered it!" I heard Asch say. We all turned towards the source of the noise.

"Hm?" I questioned him.

╰「 ☽ An Assassin's Love (Leif x OC) ❀ 」➴Where stories live. Discover now