Question 2

64 2 6

KindWriter Would you rather be The 10th Doctor's companion or the sidekick of your favorite superhero?

I'd definitely rather be The 10th Doctor's companion! The whole "sidekick thing would just have people be MORE annoyed at me, I might even end up worse than Aquaman! The whole "companion" thing would be ten(lol) times better cause one I freaking love traveling, two it'd be SUPER exciting. The only problem would be how most of the companions ended up......But OH FREAKING WELL ITD STILL BE OKAY(as long as I didn't end up like Donna cause that would defeat the entire purpose of picking companion XD or as long as I didn't DIE or some crap LOL) This one got long a long explanation like the last one! XD But anyway, that's what I'd pick!

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