Be mine for all of eternity

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Hi!! I'm back with another story~~ I just finished watching the final live concert a while ago and I feel so lost AHHHH I can't believe it's all coming to an end :((. Have you all watched the concerts? Did you enjoy them? Do leave a comment ahha!! Anyways, enjoy reading this :D.

Synopsis: the marriage proposal everyone is waiting for~


After a few years together on the mountains as immortals, wen kexing really got to know his soulmate. He knew almost everything about zishu, ranging from his habits to things he likes and doesn't like. And the fact that he could see zishu so clearly and how safe and himself he felt around his soulmate was what made him decide that it was time to take the next step. It was time for him to make it official, to make them official.

It wasn't easy to plan the day despite knowing much about his soulmate's preferences. Kexing wanted their special day to be perfect, flawless, something that they would remember forever despite how long their lives would be.

He had thought out multiple scenarios on how it could go and how zishu might react, but nothing would be able to adequately prepare him for the real thing.

The day he chose for the proposal was a bright and sunny day, which he thought was perfect since that was how the two met for the first time as wen kexing and zhou zishu.

Kexing had already started fretting early in the morning, before his soulmate even woke up. He had already practiced his script hundreds and hundreds of times such that he could recite it in his dreams but he still felt like it was nowhere enough and nowhere near what his Axu deserves.

Kexing ran up and down the mountains to calm his nerves when he heard a familiar voice call out to him, 'laowen!'

His lover had sprinted out to meet him in his classic blue outer robe when he saw kexing pacing worriedly.

'shidi, are you okay? Is there anything you want to tell me?', zishu probed gently.

The action alone filled kexing's heart with warmth. It wasn't everyday that the ghost valley master would be treated with care and love. In fact, zishu was the only one, aside from his parents and axiang, who had treated him like a normal human-being.

'Axu, there's something I wish to say...', kexing started earnestly, grabbing both of his soulmate's hands in his.

'Go ahead...', zishu said encouragingly with a small smile.

'Zhou zishu, from the day I first met you, you brought nothing but happiness into my life. You made me feel like I was someone other than the role I was trying to play to survive and take my revenge. You helped me to see myself and to understand and learn how to care for myself...You helped me open up and let someone into my life for the first time without my armor on...', kexing rambled on as zishu stared at him, tears gradually gathering in his dark brown eyes.

'You gave me courage and a path to part with my past peacefully and start living like I should. I don't deserve you. Not one bit. Nothing that I have done in my past life should have granted me--'

Zishu suddenly interrupted kexing, looking both determined and fierce as he shouted,' Wen kexing! Don't you dare for one moment, think that you don't deserve anything other than all the happiness in the world!'

'Axu...', kexing whined childishly, face painted red with embarrassment as he looked down at the snowy ground.

'Laowen, look at me.', zishu said assertively.

Kexing lifted his head, almost shyly, the once prideful and flirty image he had created when they had first met completely gone.

Zishu looked at him, eyes full of adoration for his soulmate and also a hint of irritation at kexing for degrading himself.

'Laowen, you deserve everything we have today. Remember, you are worth it. You aren't allowed to think of it any other way..'

'Axu... Look at you...interrupting my grand speech and making me forget what I should say next...', kexing pouted cutely.

'you planned a whole speech? What is it for? Is there something you want from me?', zishu eyed kexing suspiciously at the revelation.

This was definitely not going as smoothly as kexing had planned... He decided to just follow his heart.

'There's only one thing I want from you...', kexing said, taking a deep breath and pausing for dramatic effect.

Zishu rolled his eyes at the unnatural progression of their conversation, laughing a few second later at how childlike his lover was.

Kexing kneeled down suddenly, hands still holding onto zishu's.

'Be my husband, zhou zishu. Or in other words, be my man, my lover for all of eternity.'

This was the perfect time to pull out a ring to seal the deal but since they are unable to leave the snowy mountains, kexing couldn't go down and buy it.

Instead, he said very seriously,' I give myself to you as an offering instead of a wedding ring.'

Hearing no reaction, kexing dared to look up to see zishu, a mixture of happiness and mischieviousness painted on his face.

Suddenly, zishu started laughing lightly. Kexing wished he could bottle the sound up and replay it for the rest of his life.

Zishu's laughter continued to flow freely and Kexing started laughing with him nervously.

'you dummy. Of course I'll be your husband, all you had to do was to ask.'

'really?', kexing said in shock, never having any expectation on how his proprosal would turn out.

'Really.', zishu smiled and pulled his soulmate up, engulfing him in a bone-crashing hug before giving him a kiss that would last a lifetime.



Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it :D omg I would really miss word of honor once it ends D: I think I'll be stuck here forever haha.

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