A frigid breeze hit her in the face. It had only been a day or two since she was last in her but everything looked so different. The arsenal on the wall had grown three times bigger. The mats that were previoulsy occupying the floor were gone. The hard cement seemingly laughing at the red-head. 

Mila turned back to Irina wanting an explanation, only to be handed a knife and a hand gun strapped to her thigh. Irina pushed her shoulders back, shoving Mila into the middle of the room. From her left she could spot a figure, she ducked sticking a leg out causing the person to trip. Mila straddled the figure, holding the knife to his neck. She looked to Irina, the blonde nodded giving her the signal. The girl hesitated just for a moment, thinking of Yana. She shook her head, the image fading away and slit the man's throat.

Quickly getting off the dead man, she ran towards a chair on her right. Another man appeared from the shadows, a knife in hand. He ran towards the girl. Mila stepped up onto the chair just as the man reached for her. She balanced her hands on the back rest of the chair, wrapping one leg around the man's neck. Pulling herself onto his shoulders, he tried to stab her in the thigh. Her left foot pulled his arm down to his hip, restraining him. Giving her enough time to stab him in the throat as well. 

A third man ran towards her. Mila unlatched her gun, keeping it hidden behind her as she jumped off the dying man. Mila kicked the running man in the chest on her way down. He grabbed her leg, pulling her down with him. The man pulled a knife from his jacket, stabbing Mila in the calf. She bit back a scream, removing her hand from behind her back she aimed the gun at the man's face. He anticipated it, dodging the bullet. With his head towards the side he pushed the gun out of her hand, Mila saw this as an opportunity. She pushed herself off the man, somersaulting away from him. The two stood up, facing each other. The man had a big smile on his face, mocking her. Mila smirked at the man's arrogance.

He ran towards her, Mila waited until he was pretty much in front of her before ducking down, rolling through the man's legs, picking up her gun and shooting him in the back of the head. Three times, Irina had to strike her in the back of the head to make her stop.

"You have improved immensely Mila but you must prove to me that you will be ruthless, merciless and show no hesitation. Tonight is your final training session. If you fail, I will not hesitate to find a bigger lighter," she whispered into her ear. A chill running down her spine.

Irina left the room, the metal door slamming shut. Mila paid no attention to the loud noise. Her focus was on the three dead bodies that lay in front of her. She wanted to feel hurt, she wanted to feel guilty for taking those men's lives, but she didn't. It was eating her alive that she felt nothing towards the lives she had just taken. 

"Kinda eats at you for a while doesn't it," a voice pulled her from her thoughts. Heels clicked against the cement floor. Mila looked up from the bodies, he gaze meeting a pair of purple knee high boots.

"Don't worry, you won't be able to feel anything after a while," the woman spoke, not looking at Mila. 

Mila looked up at the woman, glaring daggers at the woman. "I've killed people before," Mila said with a little more edge in her tone than normal.

"Oh I bet, I've heard all about you Mila. All good things". She was wearing sunglasses, inside. Mila didn't know what they were but she could tell they were not something you wore inside. The woman looked weird. Her black hair was pulled back into a bun, purple streaks showing on the front of her head.

"Who are you?" Mila asked, confused as to who this strange woman was. There weren't many women on the base. Besides Yana, Irina and a few doctors the place was filled to the brim with testosterone.

"You have a big mission tonight don't you," she asked, completely ignoring Mila's question. "Well if all goes well, I'll be seeing more of you Mila. Toodles". The woman waved her fingers as she walked away from Mila, leaving her shocked and confused.

"What the hell?" she mumbled.


Alone and afraid, two things Mila hated. Her hands shook as she clipped on the black tactical vest. After equipping her weapons, which consisted of six knives, a hand gun and a few bombs to her belt she sat on the cold bench. The room was dark and smelly. Mila ran her fingers over her eyebrows, attempting to calm down. 

A knock at the door made her jump. "Mila, can I come in?" Yana asked. Mila replied with a small yes to which Yana opened the door. She sat next to the shaking girl.

"Are you okay?"

Mila looked at her dumbfounded. "You kidding".

"I know you're scared, so am I," she tried to console her. 

"What did you put in me?" Mila mumbled. Yana stayed silent for a moment.

"I completed my formula for your serum, a permanent solution. When I told my superiors about my experiments they told me I would have to make some modifications to it. They wanted a new version of the super soldier serum. One used on a man named Captain America during the world war, a similar one used on your papa and another version used on five test subjects a few years before you were born," she hesitated on the last part. "I created my own version of the serum, one that was made specifically for you and your body. I had no idea what the side effects would be and I warned them against using it. They forced me to and I had to begin the transfusion right away. I'm sorry Mila," she held back a sob. Yana didn't want to look weak in front of a 10 year old who was about to risk her life on a mission.

Mila didn't know what to say, so she didn't say anything. She grabbed Yana's hand and brought it into her lap. Just holding her hand sent the message. Mila forgave Yana and didn't care about the past. Yana was grateful for this little girl. There was a peaceful silence that filled the room.

"Yana, can you please braid my hair?" she mumbled not wanting to interrupt the peace.

Yana nodded, "Of course". She ran her warm fingers through Mila's wavy locks, intertwining pieces together. Just as she had finished, a guard opened the door. Mila stood up making her way out of the room. She paused, turning to face Yana. 

"I love you Yana," she whispered. The young girl left the room in an all black suit and an arsenal of weapons on her body. There was no way she would come back the same little girl that just made a doctor cry tears of joy.

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