The 57th expedition

Start from the beginning

"Levi, Whats going on!?" I shout. He didn't say anything to me but kept on going.

"Oi! Its getting closer." Eren shouted sounding terrified. Eren all of a sudden brings his hand closer to his mouth, I could tell he was ready to transform.

"Eren don't! You have to trust us, We're your comrades." Petra shouted.

Levi dosen't know what's going on either I bet ... We still have to put our trust in him though. No matter what.

"Eren, It's your choice. " Levi said calmly. That's when I though about Isabel and Farlan. We made the wrong choice back then and ended up dead.

Eren made his desicion and decided to trust us. Just when the female titan was about to reach us, multiple loud bang happened behind us. I looked back and was amazed at the fact that we had managed to capture the intelligent female titan.

Levi was standing on its head and Erwin was on a large tree branch next to it. The rest of us got off our horses and went to the nearest tree branch.

"What do you think they'll do to it?" Eren stood next to me and asked.

"I hope Hanji dissects the crap out of her."

"Rosé, Lets keep going." Eld said while walking up to me. I nod my head and start leading the squad. As we kept getting further away from everyone else, something felt wrong.

I heard Gunther say something under his breath behind me. I decided to look back when I heard a loud slash and saw his lifeless body hanging from a 3DMG wire.

Petra shouted out for Gunther at the top of our lungs. I then noticed it...

The female titan.

"Everyone come on full speed ahead!" I shouted at them.

"Rosé! Let us take care of the female titan. You need to get Eren out of here." Eld suggested.

"NO!" Me and Eren shout in unison. I don't want to leave them behind. Any of them.

"I'm the superior so let me fight it alone!" I shout.

"You're the only one who Eren trusts, he needs you. You can trust us we'll be fine Please!" Petra shouts. I didn't have time to think about it since the female titan was getting closer to us.

"Fine, but promise me you'll be okay!" I shout.

"We promise!" Oluo replied giving me a smile.The distance between usband the rest of our squad grew farther apart. I looked back frequently to check on them.

They were doing fine and even got the titan down agianst the trunk of the tree.

I felt relaxed until I heard petra scream "ELD!" I looked back and see him in the titans mouth.

Both Eren and I turn around in a heart beat at full speed. My heart felt like it was getting slower every second. I then saw Petra getting kicked onto a tree and her lifeless body smash agianst it.
Oluo witnessed her death and tried to avenge her but he failed and died quickly. Tears started to develop in my eyes and everything started to get blurry.

Both of us looked at our comrades dead body's around us with tears pouring out of our eyes. Just as I was ready to attack the female titan, Eren stepped infront of me and transformed. The lighting bolt that he caused, made me lose balance and fall to the ground.

The impact made me sprain my right ankle and my 3DMG to break. My sword was also stuck near my stomach.

I groaned in pain as I pulled the sword out of me. I look over trying not look down at the blood and as I looked over, I notice Petra's dead body near me.

I looked away quickly while tears fall and tried to get up. It hurted like hell when I did.

This.. Is my fault. I caused my friends to die agian. My choice .. it was wrong. Again.

Tears still pouring out my eyes uncontrollably. I finally got up and tried to reach Eren who was struggling, but fell down immediately when I tried walking.

The female titan wins the fight and swallows Eren whole.

"EREN!" I shout as the titan ran away.

Now Eren is gone too.. This is all my fault.All of it.

I finally give up on trying to walk and sit against the nearest tree. I look around my surrounding and just see my whole squad lying dead infront of me.

"Why does everyone keep breaking their promise?" I start to lose alot of blood from the deep cuts and soon was losing consciousness.

This is it for me..

Soon everything fades away and all I see is pitch black.

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