Wow! I'm impressed.

"You are correct here. Let me get my purse then will leave, okay?"

"Alrighty. By the way Jen, you look absolutely gorgeous." He was so close to me. I could feel his body. And not to mention his deep husky voice did the big job.

"T-thank you Damian. You don't look bad yourself." I said. I wanted to say he looked like a greek god but I think that would be too much.

"Thanks." He smirked.


Oh my goodness! Jen looked so freaking stunning. She is wearing a dress which hugs her body in all the right places. She is looking so ravishing. The moment I saw her I wanted to kiss her so badly. But I controlled my emotions.

We are seated in a posh restaurant in NYC. We have placed our order. Jen is currently looking everywhere but at me so I have decided to break the ice.


"Yeah?" Her eyes stumbled at me.

"Are you not comfortable here with me?"

"No. That's not the case. I have been to lunches with you several times but those were all business. This is personal so feeling overwhelmed I guess." She spoke out honestly.

"I like that you are honest with me. But don't be nervous. This isn't a interview or anything. We are just chatting here as friends." I placed a hand on top of hers.

She looked at our hand, smiled and nodded.

"So tell me something about you, Mr. Wilson?" She smirked.

"That's the Jen I know." I chuckled.

"Well, I'm the CEO of Wilson Clothing. My dad Enrique Wilson founded this company. And before three years passed on to me. My family consist of my dad, my mom, my little brother Sebastian and little sister Emelia Wilson. They both are in university and high school respectively."

She was looking at me with teary eyes. Did I say something wrong?

"Hey. What happened? Are you okay?" I asked softly.

She blinked away the tears, and smiled. "Yes yes. I'm good. It's just that I miss my parents. They died in car accident when I was 15 and my brother was 18. Since then it's just the two of us."

"I'm so sorry for your loss." I held her hand.

"It's okay. Anyway back to you, you didn't tell me your girlfriend's name?" She smiled cheekily.

"Nice trick. But sorry to say I am single. I'm not dating anyone." I chuckled.

"Please don't tell me you are one of those rich guy who doesn't believe in love and relationship. I have only one night stands." She said accusing me with narrowed eyes.

"Jen!!! No I'm not that person. I believe in love very much. I believe love is the only thing which keeps us sane."

"Ohh good. Then why don't you have a girlfriend? You are handsome, rich, successful, you can get any girl at your feet!" She shrugged.

Silly girl just said that I'm handsome. I have to tease her for this.

"So you think I'm handsome, uh huh?" I smirked.

"You heard only that much?" She asked in disbelief.

"Yes I can get any girl but I haven't found the right one yet. So that's why I don't have a girlfriend. Satisfied Jen?"

"Hmm. I hope you find the girl of your dream soon."

"Now tell me about you." I said, as I kept my hands under my chin.

"Well, I was born and raised in California. I have older brother who works in marketing department in one of the MNC.
And as said earlier, my parents died in car accident."

"And you are not dating anyone?" I raised an eyebrow. She is so beautiful, how is she single?

"Nope, at the moment."

"So you dated before?"

She sighed, "Yes, I was with my ex boyfriend for three years. I broke up with him before moving here."

"Don't like long distance?"

"No. He cheated on me with my best friend." She said blankly.

Oh fuck!

"T-that's horrible. You must be so mad at them."

"Not mad. Hurt. That's why now I don't know whom to trust or not. I just don't know how I am going to break these walls. And I don't even know if I want to break them or not. But luckily when I moved here, my brother's friend Carter helped to stay with him until I got an apartment. And also Natasha who works for your company is his girlfriend. They became my first friends in New York."

"Don't worry. Someday one guy will come and sweep in your heart. He will break all those walls you have build. He will never break your trust."

"Hopefully. For now I just want to focus on my work though. You tell me don't you have friends?"

"Oh I am friends with few idiots, namely Theo, Scott, and Peter."

"I have never met them. I have been working for you since a month."

"That is because we rarely meet in each other's office. But we do meet in clubs and sometimes in office too. They all are businessmen too."

"I see."


I just didn't know how time flew. Damian and I talked about so many things. We both love watching cricket. Can you imagine? He is really a different person outside work. At office he is this tough rude and perfectionist person. He doesn't bear even a single mistake from anyone. That's one quality I admire about him.

"Check please?" He said to the waiter.

Out of politeness, I also opened my purse. It's not a date so I don't know who is to pay.

"It's on me Jen." He smiled.

"Then atleast we can go for a ice cream and that will be on me." I pointed.

"Alright. First let me clear the check." He chuckled.

I was really having a good time with him. So I thought why not extend this time and eat an ice cream.

Hi buddies,
Vote comment follow!

So I posted because my exam is postponed to July end. I'm happy because I could have more time to prepare. Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter.

Publish date: 05/06/21

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