"Are we just gonna let some random pro come over here and cuddle up with Kaminari? Did Aizawa call you and tell you who he is?" The short girl with random earphones out of her ears? questions as she moves closer to Denki and I. He seems to notice and flinches. Ah okay I know who she is now.

"You would like that to happen wouldn't you bitch?" I stared her right in her eye. She looks away quickly. "Yeah I know who you guys are and don't think that's a good thing."

"Did Bakugou call you over? I called him first." So that means he's Sero. I know Midoriya and Todoroki. I'm pretty sure the purple guy is Eyebags so Shinsou. The red head is Kirishima, Bakugou mentioned that. And that leaves the girl as Jirou.

"Yes he did. He told me he'd take care of you all, but I have a few things I just wanted to say to you all. Ya know Pro Hero to Pro Heroes in training." I grin.

"You." I point at Kirishima. "Yes you, the one with 'shitty hair'?" His face flushes before he nods. "Yeah perfect, I'm gonna need you to get your shit together. Your boyfriend? He's gonna beat your ass, so I suggest you figure out where your friendship lies in the next." I look at the clock on the wall. "10 minutes or so. And don't get it wrong."

"You, the lanky one. I know you mean well, glad you made up with Denki, but this shit? Yeah not your best work. So you probably meant well, but just know it turned out shitty." 

"You two! Green hair and red white thing. You guys look innocent, you're fine. But maybe next time instead of tagging along you can maybe try and stop them from doing something stupid like this?" Midoriya nods his head in agreement then continues to do so for another minute. weird.

"Don't even look at me pretty boy." I put my hand in front of his face. 

"me?" he points to himself as he looks around.

"See anyone else here with the nickname pretty boy? No don't look around- listen I would slap you because this was just dumb on your behalf, but you're pretty boy so I can't do that. You got lucky."

"thank you?"

"you're welcome. Now you." I point to the short girl. "You bitch." I laugh. "You should be lucky that you're still a minor and I'm a Pro Hero because if you and I weren't then you wouldn't be leaving this building alive or at least not walking." I stand up with Denki in my arms. I withdrew my wings from his body. I need to still fly us back to the apartment.

"Did you just threaten me?"

"Yes and what of it? Can't take what you dish out?" I raise my eyebrow. "Well too damn bad! Maybe you should think before you open your mouth." I glare at her.

I place the cup of ice on the nearest table and start walking to the door. "toodles" I wave behind me. "Oh can you be a dear and tell your demon boyfriend that I took him home with me." 

"i-uh yes sir."

"thank you."


"Stupid fucking boyfriend making me leave MY BED to pick HIS ASS UP. It's a school night what is he even doing outside past the curfew? BEING AN IDIOT THAT'S WHAT. Unreasonable my ass, I have half a mind to go there and blow his ass up. He's lucky he has a damn hardening quirk."


The fly back to Hawks' apartment was.. manageable. Though the whole time there was some sort of eerie atmosphere with Denki not uttering a word and all. Hawks figured that once they were out of the others' sight he would come back to his senses, but in all honesty maybe he just got worse. 

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