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November 30th, 2018

Quinn stirred a bit when she felt movement beside her on the bed. Opening her eyes with a small groan, she turned around to look at her wife who seemed to be struggling a little to find a comfortable position to sleep in.

"You okay, there, angel?" Quinn asked, reaching for the lamp beside her on the bedside table.

"No." Piper pouted quietly as Quinn chuckled, sitting up against the headboard as she looked down at her wife. "I hate this."

"I know, angel." Quinn cooed, reaching her hands out to Piper to help her sit up again. "Does it hurt?"

"A little." Piper nodded.

"Are they moving?"


"But you're okay, right?" Quinn asked, propping a few pillows up against the wall and helping Piper lean back against them. "You're just uncomfortable?"

"I'm not sure." Piper admitted, a frown on her face as she rubbed a hand against her big eight-month-along pregnant belly. "Something feels weird."

"Weird how?" Quinn asked, all sleep she could be feeling previously being quickly wiped from her mind as she stared at Piper worriedly. "What are you feeling?"

"I don't know." Piper shrugged. "Right now, nothing. But I've been more uncomfortable since dinner. I... I think those might be contractions, actually."

"Contractions?" Quinn gasped, scrambling about to reach for her phone. "And why didn't you tell me?"

"Because they were still few and far between." Piper shrugged, clearly less worried than Quinn at the moment. "I was taking care of it. But now they're worse and I can feel them more."

"We need to time them, then." Quinn said. "You remember what Dr. Clarke said. When they are 5 minutes apart, lasting for 1 minute, for 1 hour or longer, we need to go."

"Okay." Piper nodded. "I don't think they've been happening each five minutes yet."

"How long apart do you think?"

"Like ten minutes, I don't know..." She shrugged.

"And are they hurting?"

"Yes." Piper nodded, her face turning into a frown as she whined quietly.

"Oh, angel, come here..." Quinn cooed again, sliding closer to her wife as she threw an arm around her shoulders, letting her lean into her and reach blindly for her hand to squeeze. "There, there... You're okay. I've got you. It's okay."

Piper moaned quietly, her whole body relaxing after a rather long contraction and Quinn smiled quietly, placing a kiss to the crown of Piper's head as the woman fixed her breathing.

"How long was that?" She asked as Quinn chuckled.

"Forty seconds."

"Forty seconds?" Piper groaned in annoyance. "I'll be having one minute contractions?"

"Yes, baby."

"Oh, no." Piper shook her head. "I don't want this anymore."

"It'll be fine, angel." Quinn assured. "If I managed it before, you'll manage it now."

"I'm scared." She pouted.

"I know." Quinn whispered, her hand rubbing soothing circles over her arm to try and comfort her. "But I'm here with you, okay?"

"Okay." Piper nodded, her hand still gripping Quinn's, but more relaxed now that she wasn't in pain yet. "Don't leave me, okay?"

"I won't." Quinn assured. "Never."

Picture Perfect - The sequel - Q.F.Where stories live. Discover now