{1.2} Letters to Liam -alternate end

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No matter how much I could pray or wish for that, it's never going to be able to happen.

I know it's not... can't a man dream?

'Can't a man dream?' what the hell was he thinking. That's way too cheesy.

Dean quickly checks the clock to see if he has time to rewrite it. He huffs, seeing that he doesn't exactly have time to re-write the entire letter, so he compromises.

I know it's not...

You deserved the world, yet I couldn't give it to you. I never could, I only destroyed it.

I guess this is my apology, a pretty poor one at that. I've just mostly wrote about my guilt and regrets, When I should have been apologising for breaking your arm (and nose), taking her side and abandoning you when you needed me the most, although there is so much more. To the point where I could go on and on for pages, but I won't.

I don't really know how to end this letter. I suppose the 'normal' way is just saying thank you for reading. Unless you've just thrown this in the trash can or ripped it into shreds, I hope not.

Love, Dean.

He carefully folds the letter and puts it into the envelope, which already has Liam's name on it. Yet, he doesn't stick a stamp in the corner, just seal's it and puts it in the inside pocket of his jacket as he stands.

"Sammy" dean calls, "I'm going out."

"Where are you going?" Sam's voice travelled down from the stairs.

"I can't tell you that." He jokes, although he has no real intention of telling Sam where he is heading.

He heads up the stairs, passing a confused and slightly concerned looking Sam. "See you later Sammy" dean says, as looks over his shoulder opening the bunker door.

"Wait Dean-"

He closes the bunker door on Sam cutting him off. Dean heads over to the impala getting in and starting her, instantly turning up the music and drumming along on the steering wheel as he drives off.


The impala pulls up stopping outside a house, he looks out of the window at the quint little house who's front lawn and garden look unkept. After a while of just staring he decides to get out of baby and head over to the front door.

Dean goes up the couple steps that lead to the front door, stopping right in front of it producing the letter he had written out of his jacket pocket. If Dean's completely honest he was going to stick it through the letter box and go back to the impala. But now he's having second thoughts, perhaps this is a stupid idea and he should forget the letter all together and go back to home. Yet, He rubs his face knowing that he needs to do this... just maybe there's a better way than putting it through the letter box.

He takes in a shaky breath getting ready to knock the door. However, just as he's about to knock, the door flings open and a slightly dishevelled man runs right into him. Knocking them both to the ground and landing right on top of dean.

"I am so so sorry, I didn't realise there was any behind that door! I over slept and I'm so late fo-" his words trial of as he stares at dean and dean stares right back into those familiar blue eyes. Dean has to admit he looks tired, the man's dark hair is a mess and he has powdered sugar around his mouth and down his uniform, presumably from the half-eaten donut he dropped when he ran into dean.

"Liam" dean say's with a small smile, but can already feel the tears building up in his eyes.

"Dean?" Liam sounds breathless, his lip quivers slightly and he winces pushing himself back up off of dean and the ground. "I've got to go, I've really got to go." He mumbles in a hurry, avoiding dean's gaze and wiping his mouth.

In love with a Winchester. || Diam One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora