3: Pre-lab anxiety

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Nicks POV

 ~ Time Skip ~

Saturday morning. I didn't sleep well because I couldn't stop thinking about today, going to Gatsby for a project was one thing but as I was reading ahead in the procedure we need a baseline idea of general shampoos, which means we would have to wash our hair. Which means getting in a shower. Every second I thought about it the worse I felt, my stomach was churning.

I glanced at the clock on my nightstand, 9:24AM, I needed to get up, but the stress and anxiety in my stomach made that feel almost impossible. I let out a loud sigh and got out of bed. Here we go...

I finished getting ready, eating breakfast, packing my bag, double-checking to make sure I have all the materials I need. "Pencils, Paper, PH test strips..." I mutter under my breath, collecting everything and heading towards the door.

Gatsby's house was the very extravagant, tall, pain in the ass, that blocks all the sun that would land perfectly on my overgrown garden. He was less than a five-minute walk from my front door, the main piece of that time was just walking up his impossibly long driveway. The closer I got to his house the more nervous I got. I'm unsure of why, I guess that I had only seen his house and parties, never have I been near them, let alone inside his house.

I stood at his front door till the clock struck exactly 10:30AM. Right then I knocked on the door. No turning back now. I stood at the door for only a few seconds till a man in a black suit holding a towel opened the door. "You have gotta be kidding me," I thought, resisting the urge to facepalm "actual house staff, I feel like I'm really missing something about this boy." I was pulled from my thoughts as my bag was taken and I was ushered into the dining hall.

"Mr.Gatsby will be in shortly" the man spoke then promptly left. I sat silently in awe of the room. I was annoyed at how over the top this whole place was but I had to admit, it was a beautifully built home.

Jay walked it as I turned my attention back to the door, "Hey old sport! Hope I didn't keep you waiting long." He exclaimed walking over to my side of the table. "N-no not at all," I said, trying to keep my composure relicing how awfully nervous I was.

"I figured we should get our shampoo started and finish the pre-lab stuff today." He said sitting down in the chair next to me. "Y-yeah, I agree. I brought the stuff to start the base today too." I say fidgeting in my backpack. "Great old sport! Let's get started"

We start working on the packet, writing our pre-labs and making our hypothesis. Hours past and surprisingly enough we work amazing as a team. We made jokes and actually had a lot of fun working on the project together.

After we finished the pre-lab it was getting towards the time the party would start. We both fell silent for a moment, our eyes met and at that moment, Gatsby's face lingers next to mine, our noses almost touching. I stare into his piercing blue eyes, entranced by the flecks of darker colors that somehow mix to make that beautiful color. I feel his warm hand against my shoulder and I jump in my seat.

"I bet you're wondering why I wanted to get to know you better, old sport." He says breathly, his face a slight tinge of pink. "Y-yes I have been w-wondering" I stutter out nervously. He locks eyes with me again. "You wouldn't happen to know Daisy Buchanan would you, old sport?"

My brain takes a step back, pulled out of whatever state I was just in. "O-oh yes she-she's actually my cousin" I manage to spit out not at all coherently. "Do you think she would have lunch with us on Wednesday? Like if you invited her? Please Old Sport?" He said, sounding rather desperate. "Y-yeah, i'll invite her" the room was filled with silence for a second while Gatsby was obviously lost in thought. "Well, I should go." I manage to croak. "Bye." I quickly stand up and leave the room before Jay has a chance to oppose, "My party starts very soon old sport, I would enjoy it if you could stay." He shouts as I make my way down the hall.

"I already have plans!" I say escaping the house and practically running back home. I slammed my door shut and slid down to the floor heart racing. "Stupid" I though over and over like a broken record. I can't believe myself. I'm so stupid.

The Great Gatsby but Homosexual and in HighschoolWhere stories live. Discover now