"I know Noah would take up the responsibilities," I say standing up to remove my jeans. I pull my hair into a knot. I unbuttoned my jeans when I didn't get any response from Brad. I look up to see him looking at me with hooded eyes.



"Where is your luggage?" I ask him. I remove my pants and throw them on the chair.

"I didn't unpack."

"Remove your t-shirt and hand me," I tell him stepping closer to him. I'm way too comfortable wearing only his T-shirt and my panties. I stand in between his legs with my hands removing his t-shirt.

My gaze shifts to his eyes as he hostages me in between his legs. His hands are going up inside my shirt playing with my bra hook. I don't utter a word just look at him. He pulls the strap of the bra and leaves the strap playfully.

"Brad!" I yell slapping his cheek playfully while he lets out a laugh unhooking my bra.

"Never thought that I would be marrying you, though I dreamed of marrying you," I tell him caressing his cheek.

"Oh, you dreamed of marrying me?" He asks removing my t-shirt.

"Yup, you were my crush for many reasons."

"What are those reasons?" He asks playfully.

"Shut up." He doesn't break his gaze, I lick my lips when his fingers start tracing my boobs.

"I can't wait to marry you," I tell him in all seriousness.

"You are not allowed to leave me."

He is scared that I would be leaving him, I understand his fear. "Never, you are stuck with me."


"Brad, where is my blue jeans?" I yell loudly going through the luggage he packed.

"I think they are in the brown suitcase." Groaning I go for another suitcase. This is why Brad tells me to unpack the luggage when I get time but my laziness doesn't allow me to do it. It's always Brad who unpacks and packs every time we go out.

I take the jeans out, put them on and search for my Nike's. I hear a knock on the door before Brad walks in. "Did you get the call?" I ask him.

"Mack is here, the coaches are waiting for us."

"Are you nervous?" He asks walking over to me. I don't answer him, wrap my arms around his waist. "I just pray that nothing goes wrong. I don't want you getting hurt. Please be cautious and careful."

"I will." He places a kiss on my forehead. I pull my hair into a messy ponytail before taking my bag.

"Let's go."

Mack drove us to the tournament. All the while I held on to his arm. For the next four hours, Brad became busy in the private room with his sponsors and other partners while I waited for him in the VIP room.

I brushed my hair and the door opened. I smiled seeing Brad. "How was the talk?"


"Come here," he says opening his arms. I wander over to him and hug him tightly. Someone knocked on the door, I pulled away.

"Come in." Mack opened the door and stepped in.

"It's time."


I stand on the VIP level gazing down at the crowd, as they roar Brad's name. While it's thrilling to watch him, I feel nervous and scared.

"What's with the look?" Startled I turn around to see Conner.

"Hey Conner, how are you?" I give him a hug and he sighs patting my back.

"Good and you?"

"I'm actually doing good but Brad is having quite a time with everything."

He chuckles nodding his head, "Wedding is making him nervous, isn't it?"

"Yeah..." I chuckle. I notice dark circles under his eyes and how much weight he's lost. It makes me sad to see him.

"Conner, seriously asking how are you? Is everything okay? You lost your weight and you don't look healthy," I say gently. He signs sitting down on the sofa. I sit beside him and wait for him to talk.

"I―I don't know Ava... It is getting hard to pass the days. I don't know what's going on with me. I just―I just fucking miss her so much. I know I was a dick to her but I had my reasons." He closes his eyes scrunching his face.

"I'm trying my best to change but it's hard to stop old habits." He lets out a raspberry while looking at the crowd. "I don't want to pull Serine into my shit when I'm working on it."

I pat his thigh in assurance. "There are times when I lose it and mood swings are taking a toll on me. I do not want to end up taking out my frustration on her." He looked at me and I understood his words.

"Conner, Serine will understand once you are ready to open up about things. You cannot hesitate and build your own assumptions without having the conversation with her."

"We all know Serine and I'm sure she will give you time and understand if you are comfortable sharing things with her." He plays with his fingers.

"You really think I can do this?" He asks after a while.

"Yes, you are strong Conner. Don't belittle yourself, you are much stronger than what you think."

"Everything okay in here?" Mack asks walking in.

"Yes." Mack nods his head before looking down at the ground.

"Your man can't stop looking for you. He is asking for you..."

I smile standing up and looking at Brad who is standing near the tunnel. He will be up next, his frowned eyebrows calmed down after seeing me. I gave him my huge smile and thumbs-up. 

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