Chapter 4 - Dinner | Chaotic Event

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It's dinner time!

'So who are they?' 'I haven't seen them before?' 'They kinda hawt.' and such whispers could be heared through out the Mess Hall while everybody stared at you amd your friend.

"CAN WE HELP YOU?" Selena said and everyone turned to their meals. Except one. Jean himself.
"WHAT! Do you want?" Selena asked him directly.

"I want to know who the two of you are because I have never seen you before." He said.

"I'm Selena Gonzalez and this is (Y/N) (L/N). We're the new scouts Erwin hired for some mysterious reason. Anything else?" Selena said.

"Emm, I don't think they hire people here..." You said.

"Ugh, whatever." Selena finished.

"Have you even trained to join the Survey Corps?"

"If you want to know why Erwin had us join, it's because we beat up that shorty shorts Leslie over there." You pointed at Levi and smirked.

"You mean-"

"I know what I said."

"You really beat up the Corporal?!" Jean stood up from his seat.

"If you don't want to end up even worse, then don't fuck with us, Josiah. Or should I say Jo fucking Mama." You said and Selena started laughing.

"Em, m-my name is-"

"I know what I said!"

Everybody then turned to the Corporal and others who were sitting at the table in the corner of the room.

"Captain, is that true-"

"Shut up and eat your dinner, brats!" Levi said and everyone started eating their meals.

But that doesn't apply to you and your friend. You gave her a wink and then got up. She just smirked knowing that something good and entertaining is coming.

You started walking towards the corner your superiors were in and everyone glared at you in fear while you were wearing an ominous smirk.

Your movements cought the eye of the leaders as well so they turned around to see what you're about to do.

You aproached them and slammed your palm onto the table. Everyone went scilent. Even the leaders were slightly shocked.

"So how is y'all doooooing? Especially you, shorty?" You asked Levi

"(Y/N), that's enough! How dare you speak to your superiors like that?!-" He started but you cut him by placing a hand on his head then leaning down to his height.

"Oh, but what are you going to do? Kick me out? I don't think you can do that without Erwin, and that dude obviously likes me so jokes on you." You said sinisterly.

Levi was big mad. He looked like he was about to kill you. But you didn't fear even a bit. You saw others just looking at you in pure shock, probably waiting for Levi to murder you.
You straightened up and looked at everybody.

"I gotta record this!" You heared Selena in the back. Some of them watched her take out her phone and start recording.

You quickly took a cup, threw it at her and it perfectly hit her forehead.

"OUCH! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" She shouted.

"HIDE IT, BITCH!" You whisper-yelled.

"Oh, sorry." She whispered and hid her phone.

"I'm sorry, what was that you were holding-"


"M-my name is Connie." He said.

"Oh, I know sweetie, I just like to give people random names I heared on Youtu- I mean I came up with." You say sweetly.

"Oh, o-okay. But how did you know my name anywa-"

"Doesn't matter! How about we all continue our dinner and head straight to bed?" Everyone did as you said.

You walked back to your friend and sat down. You two heard whispers around you about how you have guts and about the thing Selena was holding. But you ignored it and finally finished your dinner.

Eren, Mikasa and Armin glanced at you two and you just waved at them with fake grins.

"All right, cadets!" One of the leaders spoke up. "You are free to go now. Tomorrow we're going to be training and practising combat so get some rest. Dismissed."

And with that everyone left the Mess Hall.



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