23 - As the world caves in

Start from the beginning

At some point the whole ballroom went still and we could hear several cars' motors roaring, then turning off. The ballroom's huge wooden and golden doors opened. There was a tall man with blond hair and glasses and a smaller brunette woman passed through the doorway. Their facial expression was neutral which made it even more scarier. Then familiar faces showed. Juliette, Louise, two twins and lastly Nicky. He was wearing a navy blue suit and a lighter bow tie. His hair was tied back neatly in a small ponytail. He wasn't smiling either but nonetheless as handsome as ever. When he saw me on the other side of the room he looked surprised but then looked away and followed his family.
When no one was watching I waved at him a few times but he never actually reacted at all. It was getting late and most of the adults were already wasted. Alec, Izzy, Jace and Clary had snuck away leaving me behind. Again. That night couldn't become more of a nightmare.

After a bit my patience went to it's limits, so I cocked my head to one side signalling Nicky to follow me outside. I took him by the sleeve almost dragging him. We entered some random room which turned out to be stunningly beautiful. One wall was completely made out of glass revealing a breathtaking view. The moon was high up brightening the room completely, but a burning chandelier was still attached to the ceiling. As soon as the double doors closed behind us Nicky pinned me against a wall and kissed me almost as he was thirsty wrapping my tie around his hand. He took me off guard so obviously I was surprised but I didn't not like it. When he paused to catch his breath I punched his chest. Then shook my hand since it hurt more than expected.

"Ouch, what was that for?", he said ginning sheepishly. Apparently it had done no damage to him.
"I don't know, maybe you ignoring me for the whole night", I replied which made him grin even more.
"I'm sorry, my family still had an eye on me".
"Why do you even care? What about becoming the Lovers of the 21st century. I thought you wouldn't leave my side. And besides why is what they think so important anyway? All they've given you is a traumatic childhood. What I'm trying to say is to never ignore me again, understood Mr.Handsome?"
"Understood. Wait since when am I Mr. Handsome. As far as I remember few days ago I was still loverboy", Nicky teased me.
"Well now you're both. The suit and tie look good on you. Makes me want to rip that cute smile of yours off your face", I threw at him and he laughed his eyes wrinkling up.

We could still hear the orchestra's music coming from the ballroom.
Nicky bowed and held his hand towards me.
"Will you make me the luckiest man and dance with me?", Nicky said in a British accent. He was obviously acting.
"Oh Dear, that would be my pleasure", I replied resting my hands back onto my forehead dramatically. We both bursted out laughing.
There was a piano in the middle of the room. I glanced at it once and sat down next to it.
"You play?", Nicky asked in surprise.
When he sat down on top of the piano next to me I started playing "Experience" by Ludovico Enaudi.
Maryse was obsessed with that song and made me learn it by mind when I was 10 years old.
Beside us everything faded away. The orchestra went silent. Even the birds chirping in the background stopped. It was like the earth was holding its breath.
When I finished Nicky clapped.
He was smiling and I bowed a few times like a pro.

Then Juliette and half the ballroom walked in on us kissing. Nicky was pressing me against the piano and with one hand cupped my face. With the other hand he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.
When they bursted into the room unannounced I pushed Nicky away from me but thousands of eyes had just witnessed a Lightwood and a Baudelaire making out on Clave's property.
Nicky's parents ran towards us with anger in their eyes.
"How dare you lay hands on our precious boy?! You are a disgrace to the Shadowhunter's blood!", Nicky's father yelled at me.
"What about it? They obviously love each other and you, even his parents, can't forbid him to live his life", Alec interrupted. Everyone was shocked in disbelief. Me most out of all people. When no one was watching he winked at me and I hid a smile biting my lip.
Nicky was not even squinting or moving an inch.
I looked at him surprised and kind of disappointed, because his family had just insulted me and he didn't even try to defend me. When our eyes met he flushed out of embarrassment.
Juliette was smiling because of her victory. Once again she got what she wanted. Once again everything went south for Nicky and I.
I pulled at his sleeve for him to look at me, but he didn't.
"This will have consequences, young man", Nicky's father told me while he dragged Nicky by the collar out of the room.
Juliette glanced one last time at the damage she had done. Then left. Everyone left as if nothing were.
Alec looked at me worriedly before leaving as well.

My brain had not yet processed what happened but my whole world shattered into pieces right in front of me.

"The tears, oh they won't come. I don't shed one drop. But as the world caves in, everything I think about is you"-Anonymous


Author's note:
Hello luvs.
Another chapter. Damn this took me forever, but I think it was worth it. Hopefully it'll be to your liking. Leave some love, thank you.
See you <3

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