Chapter One: Meet Lady

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It was Christmas Eve.

Jim Dear and Darling were celebrating inside the cozy warmth of their home.

"It's for you Darling. Merry Christmas".

Jim Dear handed over a beautiful present to his wife.

"Oh, Jim Dear. It's the one I was admiring, wasn't it? Trimmed with ribbons"?

Darling smiled as she carefully untied the bow on the gift box.

"Well, it has a ribbon, huh"?

Inside the box, was an adorable cocker spaniel puppy.

It had a beautiful red ribbon wrapped around it's neck, but not too tightly.

Darling gasped in delight.

"Oh, how sweet".

She gently picked up the puppy and hugged her close.

The tiny puppy smiled and stuck out it's tongue, licking Darling on the cheek with love.

"You like her Darling"?

Jim Dear asked with a smile, reaching out to pet the small pooch, and it licked his hand.

"Oh, I love her".

Darling hugged the puppy as if she was holding a baby.

"What a perfectly beautiful little Lady".

Later on, after they had opened up all their Christmas presents, it was time to get ready for bed.

Jim Dear decided to put in a room with her very own bed.

Lady trotted along the carpet floor.

The door was easily able to slid open and when she finally made it to her owners, the door pushed her bottom, making her slip down on her belly.

"Come on Lady. Over here".

Jim Dear got down one knee so was eye level with the small cocker spaniel puppy.

Jim Dear got down one knee so was eye level with the small cocker spaniel puppy

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Lady wobbled over to him and stuck out her tongue.

"That's a girl. Nice little bed for you".

Jim Dear put Lady to bed and Darling tucked her in with a nice soft blanket.

"Oh Jim Dear. Are you sure she'll be warm enough"?

Darling asked.

"She'll be as snug as bug in a—Uh oh. Almost forgot something. There. Night Lady".

Jim Dear almost forgotten to lay out an old newspaper next to Lady's bed in case the little puppy had to make a quick stop.

"Now don't worry Darling. She'll go right to sleep".

Jim Dear was surprised when Lady had decided to follow him and Darling.

"No no Lady. This is where you belong. Right here".

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