* Brooklyn *

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Brooklyn, that's my name. I am Brooklyn Wright. I was your just your normal teenage girl, was. My life was all going to plan until I met him. I met the boy that was about to turn my world upside down. The boy which made all my plans no longer my plans. He was now my plans.

I had a bit of a rough upbringing. My dad became an alcoholic when I was very young, he lost a lot of close family in a car accident. He was the only one in the car that survived that night. He struggled to get past the pain normally. He turned to alcohol which turned into pain for everyone else. I mean, you can't really blame him because he would have been left traumatised after that. The main problem was that he couldn't get the right support. The system failed him as much as he failed us. My mother took most of his anger.  She tried her best to help him as much as she could, but he could only reciprocate that action by hurting her physically and emotionally. She finally had enough after 7 years when on my 11 birthday he tried pushing me when I was laughing too loud when he was trying to get over his hangover. She packed our bags that same night and we left the next morning and never looked back.

From that day, I made a promise to myself that I would never see my mum hurt again, I would never let her go through any pain alone. It's been just us for a long time and it will always be just us. I have always helped with the cleaning, the shopping, everything. I never let my mum do anything by her self. She's been struggling with depression on and off for years and I never wanted her to push herself too far and have to struggle even more than before. I wanted nothing more in life than to make my mum proud and happy. Which is why I never really bothered with friends, or did normal teenage stuff. I wanted to stay focused on my work and my school work so I can make something of myself and make her proud of the daughter she risked her life for. That's all I ever wanted. The still is the goal, but this time, I have him to help me through everything. I couldn't image doing anything alone now.

You must be thinking, how could I let a boy do all this to me. Believe me, it wasn't my intention. I wanted to get through school, made it to higher eduction with no hassle. I was on track for that as well. I've never been interested in boys or having that school experience that every other teenage girl want. I kept my head down, focused on education, made sure my resume was spotless and impressive. I had work experiences and a part time job. But that all changed when he came along. 

I was a quiet girl, never wanted to cause trouble. Never even gotten a detention at school. I had always done everything by the book. Straight A student. I was on my way to having the best life I could live. I thought I had everything I ever wanted. I thought I was going to have everything I wanted plus more. But he made me realise that everything I had wanted, I didn't want. The things I made my world revolve around, I shouldn't have been. He showed me what having fun was. He showed me what living like a teenager was all about.

I do not regret a single thing we have done together. I don't think I ever will. He made me a better person, not for the reasons one would believe either. He made me a better person because he showed me how to enjoy life. Not to take anything for granted. That you can have goals and aspirations for the future as well as having fun and friends. I will be forever grateful for him.

Now I've said all that, your probably thinking about how a teenager could possibly be feeling emotions this strong about a boy. But, you need to know what we went through. You needed to be there. We have had some of the best experiences of my life, as well as some of my worst. But he never left my side. He's there when I didn't think I needed him. He is my forever and always.

To think that I didn't know know anything about him a year ago. He was just the mean boy jock that spent his days flirting with cheerleaders and getting kicked out of class. I was just the girl who kept her head down in class and was never seen out of school. We were two completely different characters. We would never should have worked, and yet, somehow I couldn't imagine the past year of my life without him.

This boy. My dream boy. His name is Luke. Luke Hemmings.

After all of this, I bet you now want to know everything. Everything about him, everything about us.

This is my story. This is his story. This is our story.

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