Chapter 1 | Professor Black

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September 1st was a particular day that caused a terrifying feeling to erupt inside one of Hogwart's spanking brand new Professors. Now that McGonagall was headmaster (although rumours were flying about that Severus Snape was after the job), she had assigned the role of Transfiguration to a firm favourite student that she used to teach. 

The ever so charming and dashingly handsome Sirius Black.

Sirius was always top of his year alongside James Potter and Remus Lupin, though the majority of the time, he was constantly up to no good and pulling pranks on whoever he felt like. Now it was the other way around; he had to stop the tricks and be competent enough to set a good example. It was sufficient money for the time being, but Sirius was less than strict when it came to others. Apart from Elektra, of course. But that was different, Elektra was his only child, and although he had a laid back approach to parenting compared to Lupin, he remained incredibly protective over her. 

Moony had spent most of August going over all of the school rules that had surprisingly not changed since the last time Sirius was at Hogwarts. Not that he would remember; he barely followed them, to begin with. Not only that, he was busy catching up on the latest books in Transfiguration, with Lupin going over dress codes as Sirius' sense of fashion was somewhat attractive. Lupin, in particular, didn't want to have to pull away any teenage girls from following his husband around like lost puppies. Sirius didn't have any plans to stick to that school rule either. One of his black satin shirts that hung open would do the trick, maybe a few gold necklaces here and there, even if Remus ended up trailing after him wanting to button the shirt up. Someone had to be the most fashionable at Hogwarts, and he was adamant that he would not be wearing the wretched Professor's cloak that each staff member chose to wear.

Lupin, on the other hand, had been trying to keep up the positivity for his husband. Sirius was gradually slipping into a sort of grief from time to time at the idea that his daughter could be lying dead on a forest floor. She hadn't sent him letters like she promised she would, whilst James' son, Harry, was likely loathing him for being relentless a few months prior. Rather un-Godfatherly-like.

But they had one thing going for them- hope. 

"Now, this will be your quarters," Remus explained, helping Sirius unpack his bags into the stone-walled room. It was a spacious room, with a brown-oak office desk and chair, deep red curtains with matching pillows and an oversized brown leather couch near a small fire. Round the corner was another room with one empty bed so that Sirius could pick the sheets and covers he desired, with a wardrobe and chest of drawers. It wasn't much, but it was better than being held to his old, abusive family home, which he considered giving up.

"Shame you won't be staying. I'll just have to sneak to yours if I want to make hot, passionate-" Sirius jokingly began as Remus swatted him on his chest with a pillow he had picked up to examine. "We are to set high expectations; I don't want to disappoint McGonagall." Sirius groaned at his husband as he placed down a familiar tree on his new desk by a window situated near the Gryffindor tower. 

"I'm not performing for myself until Christmas, darling. We can keep secrets, can't we?" He winked, admiring the little creature that sat on one of the branches. "To change the topic of conversation-" Remus muttered, placing the pillow back down onto the leather seat and walking over to where his husband stood. "If you don't know how to look after Newt, I can always take him to Charlie. The kids may appreciate it." Sirius shook his head, "He is by far the grumpiest Bowtruckle I have ever come across, but he is Elektra's. If she ever came back and found that I had neglected him, I fear she may never forgive me." Remus nodded his head, agreeing as he kindly ran a finger over Newt's head and patting lovingly. "What are we doing about him?" Sirius asked, the two of them looking behind them at an equally grumpy Owl perched on a branch in his cage by the door. Remus sighed, walking over to him. "Alaric will stay with me. He's getting increasingly upset that Elektra has left." Remus paused, stroking Alaric's brown feathers through the cage, "As am I." Sighing, he placed his hands in his pockets, "She will come back to us. She has to." 

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