Start from the beginning

You scanned your surroundings for a good second as you walked past him; everything was equally as dull as your room. The ceilings were painted a pale white along with the walls and floor, it was just like a hospital. It was certainly anticlimactic from what you imagined but nevertheless, you began to run down the corridor- time was of the essence.

Now, as you mentioned before, Victor always wanted your chakra. So why in the world would he help you escape? Couldn't he simply ask Jigen for your services?

Though you had seen Victor once in a while (via permission of Jigen), your little visits had never fully satisfied Victors need for your jutsu. He wanted you in his laboratory, in the land of Valleys, working for him and him only- and you being trapped in an organisation that barely let you leave was enough reason for him to help you bust out. You obviously had other plans, there was no way you'd actually stay with him. But first you needed to be free of a more up-tight organisation before planning another escape.

Now sneaking past the empty corridors of the ward, you slipped by a few CCTV cameras that Victor had warned you of beforehand. They didn't stay alert of any movement like before- they were still. The security measures that once terrified you were now deactivated with enough tampering with, so actually making it to the port where the large airship was located was a breeze.

It was massive to say the least. The ship, as spacious as the port was, dominated the surroundings. You could tell by size alone that it was made to house many different supplies. Tall metal poles that served as the divider also paled in comparison to the size of the thing, and if memory served you right, this was the very airship that Victor planned on changing its route. That old man tampered with a lot of things. From the CCTV, to the airship route and even to the drones that hauled supplies into the aircraft. Everything had some sort of work done to them. With this information you could easily pass the drones undetected- Victor made sure to register you as an allay in their tracking systems.

You used the piles of boxes to creep past the large empty terrain. Though you were safe to some degree, the possibility of another Kara member showing up to oversee the operation was never impossible. So you did your best to keep moderately hidden. But that was when you spotted a large, black box being hauled onto the deck of the ship. It took four androids to carry it, and from the details that Victor gave you, that was your go-sign.

You sprinted past them, each paying no heed to you as you ran up the deck and onto the airship. Inside was what looked to be a storage area; drones that had finished their jobs lined up in rows across the cabin as the singular black box laid dormant to the side of the wall. In there was none other than Kawaki.

In the reports you managed to sneak a peak of, they described this whole operation as a transport mission. They were taking Kawaki somewhere- but where? You didn't know, all you knew was that he was apparently in the last stages of the Karma seal. That meant that he was probably going to be transported to another secret base to be used as a tool or something.

If the scary-looking drones didn't frighten you enough, then the idea that Kawaki was about to become a fully-fledged weapon did.

"Is everything ready, Amado?" Suddenly, you heard voices from the bottom of the deck. Out of instinct, you haphazardly ducked behind a drone and listened in on the conversation.

"Yes, lord Jigen. The ship is ready to depart, All I need now is your permission." You recognised that voice as Amados. After years of working for him, you practically memorised his entire being. But what really made you shift with worry was Jigen. Jigen was powerful in many ways, and one of them was his ability to sense chakra which could ruin your entire plan. So out of panic, you scampered towards the black container and dialled in the passcode.

Victor, as well as deactivating security, also helped with unlocking a few safety measures to Kawakis container. He said to use it as a last resort which, by the sound of footsteps drawing closer, it was.

'17892' you added the last number and hoped for the best. The notepad blared with life; It was correct. Gears began turning in the box, each pained second it took to open making you all the more panicked. You didn't know if Jigen or Amado had heard the activation sound and you certainly didn't want to wait to find out, so without a second thought, you slid into the box and sealed it close behind you.

It was cramped and dark inside. From touch alone you could feel that the walls of the box was made of fine, unnatural steel. They rumbled with the ventilators and sent a cold breeze of fresh air your way.

You could feel your body being compressed to the corner by another weight as you slid to your side, an attempt at finding a more comfortable position. You didnt know what to expect your first meeting with Kawaki to be like but it certainly wasn't this. Though you wished you could see him through all this darkness, you quickly fell silent as the voices appeared once more.

"I thought I heard a noise." It was Jigen, and he was close. By the sound of footsteps trodding on metal, you assumed he was analysing all the androids.

"I ran a test on them beforehand- they should all be ready to go." Spoke Amado. He was probably beside Jigen, making your heart pound in your chest. "If you wish, I can reset their settings just in case."

Reset their settings!? That meant that if they saw you they'd kill you on sight! (Or atleast injure you enough for capture) That wasn't good because it meant that you had to stay in the container for the entire trip- and from the way you were slowly sinking into what felt to be Kawakis side, you didn't like the sound of that.

"That sounds good. Prepare the ship for departure" No Jigen, you crusty bastard, it did not sound good! But it was too late to rant on in your head for the rumbling of engines blaring to life shook the surroundings. The airship was about to set sail, and now you were officially stuck in this container.

This was going to be a long trip.

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