Beginne am Anfang

They had short hairs and some checks shirt, apparently over some tshirt and skinny jeans. Everything about their appearance was usual. She was the first quirky loud person here in the hospital since a while. This was unusual. People try to maintain the mask of being highly respectful and 'normal' and that monotonous behavior about being noble through fakeness. Giving gazes full of pity and sympathy which he never asked for to him. That was infuriating. But this was pleasant, a rare scenario.


He would always come out around the time when she would visit to sneak a peak at her. Sometimes she would come with numerous things towering over her, while sometimes it was just her bouncing happily while visiting whoever it was. He wanted to go to her, talk to her. But would she talk to him? Who was he? A stranger, a patient, who couldnt even stand on his legs, who's hands were abnormally petite even more than a girl's.

He wasnt someone who anyone would like to have anything to do with. Muscular dystrophy was rare and unpleasant to see in person. Would she, a stranger, talk to him, when even his parents had stopped associating with him, visiting him?

He was like an ugly monster hidden in his lair. Anyone he approached would just run away. Or if someone did talk to him, it would either be sympathetic talk or condescending talk. He knew he was weird, he was abnormal, he was ugly. He didnt have the right to be called a human.

He knew all this by heart, but still he continued to watch her everday, for she was the only source of somewhat light. Something that made him still believe that humanity still exists. Humanity, innocence and purity of heart. But she was still someone who would greet him with a gentle smile with no pity nor fakeness hidden behind. She was what she showed herself to be, open like a book. He knew she did it out of politeness but still.

He wished that she would show him pity, lie to him, anything, just anything, so that he would not want to have any hope. Hope was a useless thing. Expectations had already plummeted him down the abyss. This sliver of hope was warm but still frightening.

He had also seen that while returning she had a complicated expression always on. One day, he saw her crying face, sitting near the ward door.

This was too out of her usual expressions. It could hurt anyone who saw the expression. She was just crying silently, trying to minimize her presence as much as possible. The sight created a sharp pain in his chest. It physically hurt him.

He wanted to go to her, listen to her, tell her that everything would be alright. Help her however he could. but could he? For he was just a disable, a lost case, never to be recovered back to how he once was. he was hideous. Maybe approaching her would make her cry more...

Though his heart wanted him to stay and approach, he turned around back away from her.


The nurse was again checking his vitals, replacing his saline. "D-do you know who is in the ward in-infront? Someone who is... may-maybe serious in condition?" He timidly whispered to her in a hoarse voice. When was the last time he had tried to use his voice? He doesnt remember.

The nurse was surprised. This boy had never responded to her, let alone to initiatea conversation himself! Maybe he was still not a lost case..

"O-oh, you are asking about Oh Namhyuk? The one the short haired girl visits right? Poor fellow, he is young, but lost his eyes. Till recent there was a good chance they would recover on themselves, but now the situation looks too severe.

Maybe he'll go blind soon. It's such sad thing, especially his sister, you know the short hair girl? She is the most affected. They both live alone with their younger sister, and the girl is currently working to cover expenses for her siblings. But she never let him know about it, she brings gifts and what not for him, such a filial child."

Jungkook thought about it for a long time. He was as such a lost case, his digestive track and internal organs were affected, but, miraculously, his eyes were still good and working. It was a hussle to live in pain like this. It could have been a different thing if he could have been able to recover but he had given up after being in here for the last 4 years.

But being a national football player for as long as he remembers, he had a good fortune but no family. He couldnt live much like this and he surely couldnt be able to take his money with him. So, the best course was to give it to the needy. That was all he could do for the girl without approaching her directly. He had decided it.


The preparations were made, the receiver and his family were informed. He had to persuade the doctor a lot. This was for the best. Rather than living his few years in hospital, he would rather go somewhere nice and then he wouldnt have any regrets.

He would anonymously donate his eyes and  sponsore Oh NamHyuk and after his death, he would get all his property. That was what he had decided.
Jungkook's wish in return was just to be able to see the girl for the last time and after that the operation could begin.

He waited.

And he waited.

It was the wee hours of night, and doctors finally had to do the surgery. The receiver could not wait, for if they waited anymore, the implant wouldn't be possible.

Jungkook was sad, but his heart grew cold. Maybe, everyone was the same. No one would bear to be with him, watch him, whoever he yearned. He cursed at himself for being foolish and believing in the impossible.


The surgery was sucessful. Jungkook was on the way, with the help of the hospital staff back to his room.

The TV static would be heard.
"and now we report an accident that happened near the Smeraldo Hospital road. There was one casualty named Oh NamHi. She was said to be on the way to the hospital. Next..."

And the static covered everything and everything was black and numb

。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ - ☆。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆

I was actually imagining
hyyh Kook in the first half...
I'm sorry Kookie ToT
Stay safe and healthy and
dont forget to drink water!

Also don't forget to
comment and vote!

- Tana💙

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