Chapter 1

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I step onto the plane and take my seat. Today is the day I go to Japan to start my exchange program; Ill be staying with a host family for my time in Japan. Im a little nervous about it but I was told that they are really nice, so thats good, I guess. I do speak Japanese so at least I wont be totally clueless. I put my air pods in and try to take a nap.

~Time skip~

I walk out of the airport and hear my name being called, I turn to face the direction of the sound and I see my host family. I walk over to them and Im greeted by a hug.

You must be Mrs Takahashi I say pulling out of the hug.

I am, Im so happy to finally meet you. This is my husband she says while pointing to the male standing behind her, Mr Takahashi smiles

Lets head home, I bet youre hungry Mrs Takahashi says getting into the car.

~Time skip~

When we arrived at the house, I was given a tour and shown my room, I unpacked my things and went downstairs for dinner. We spoke about school and how I was feeling about the move. Overall, it was a lovely meal, the family is super nice. After dinner I made my way back upstairs and got ready for bed. I spent a few hours sketching my new surroundings to distract myself from the nervousness that was building up. I eventually fell asleep around 11 pm, Ill be starting school tomorrow, so I set an alarm for 6:30 am.

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