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A warm sunny summer day everyone was on the hogwarts express going to school.As a pink haired girl runs into a blonde, "Watch where you're going", said the blonde, "of course I'm sorry" said the pink haired girl.
"so what would your name be",said the blonde
"I'm Nymphadora Tonks but you can call me Tonks and,who may you be?
" I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy", "A Malfoy, Like the one of the richest purebloods ever"
"Yes I would say so" Replied Draco.
"Well pleasure to meet you" Tonks said with a taste of fear in her words.
"oh yeah I'm year 4 you must be a year 1"Tonks said," Yes I am a year 1 funny how you guessed that, "Yeah I guess so may I sit with you?" Tonks asked, "Go ahead I'm not stopping you"said Draco in a nasty voice

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