Got you

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At night Baidi cooked another pot of fish. Lin slowly tore a few leaves of cabbage sprouts and threw them into the pot to cook them together.

To avoid poisoning, Lin Slowly took a bite of the vegetable leaves first, and then let Baidi and Shuangyun eat the vegetable after making sure that there was no problem.

The fish soup with cabbage sprouts becomes more delicious.

So on the second day, Lin slowly waved his small hand and asked Shuangyun to cut off all the ripe vegetables and move them home.

These dishes are all very big, but fortunately, Shuangyun is strong enough to move her up the mountain all at once.

It's no secret that Lin Slow grows vegetables in the tribe. Everyone knows that she has set aside a piece of land at the foot of the mountain and has to go down the mountain every day to water and take care of it. Curiously leaned in to see.

Muxiang and Lin Slow have the best relationship. She smiled and asked, "Can the grass and leaves you planted really eat?"

Lin slowly said, "Of course I can eat it!"

In order to convince the other party what she said, she tore off a leaf of vegetable.

The name of this dish is sweet water cabbage. It grows tall and long, with emerald green leaves. It looks like an enlarged version of lettuce, but the taste is sweet.

Slowly handed the vegetable leaves to Muxiang: "You taste it, it tastes good."

Muxiang had always trusted her words, so she put the leaves into her mouth without hesitation.

The sweet taste is really refreshing, and the taste is no worse than sweet fruit.

"good to eat!"

Lin Slowly gave her a whole sweet water vegetable: "You can take it back and eat it. If it is not enough, you can ask me to get it."

Muxiang wasn't polite with her, holding the sweet water vegetable and happily led the little wolf cubs back.

Lin Slowly treated them equally, and took out six sweet water vegetables and gave them to the other six females to try them.

The females are very grateful for her generosity.

Today's dinner had a few more vegetables. Baidi and Shuangyun tasted two respectively, but they didn't like them very much. Compared with these vegetable leaves, they still liked greasy and soft meat.

So all the vegetables went into Slowly's stomach, almost barely holding her to death.

There are a lot of vegetables, but Lin Slowly can't finish it all by himself, and they tend to spoil if left alone.

She thought for a moment, and divided half of them into pickles, salty, spicy, sweet and sour, made a little bit of all tastes, sealed in stone jars, and stacked in the cellar.

As for the other half of the vegetables, she put them in the space.

The flow of time in the space is very slow, almost one thousandth of the normal speed, so these vegetables can be placed in the space for a long time without worrying about decay.

After the sweet water vegetables were sent out, they were unanimously loved by the females, even the newly weaned little wolf pups expressed their love.

In order to make their females and children eat better, the male orcs of the Rock Wolf tribe have joined the ranks of farming.

They divided the plots near the forest's slow vegetable field. After finding seeds in the forest, they all learned to slowly plow the ground to grow vegetables.

Cute Beast world; beast husband, MemedaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora