Prologue: Hidden Away

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     It had been less then a month since it all started. Nobody knew who was behind it all, and if they did they were dead or corrupted. Daddy Dearest had lost everyone he loved to the corruption, and was now panicking in his own home as he knew he was next.

"God damn it... They took my wife, my daughter... And now their gonna come for me..!" He decided to hide in the basement, there was only one way into there and maybe, just maybe he could barricade it so they couldn't break in.

     Meanwhile, Spirit was attempting to listen through the tv as Senpai watched. He always found it weird, to him it looked like Spirit was just standing there, at the edge of the world, but appearantly there was a screen he couldn't see.

"Hear anything?"

"No... Damn this stupid screen..!" Spirit sighed, he could see outside just fine but he couldn't hear a thing.

"Maybe the... Thingys... The ones that play sound..."


"Yeah! Those. Maybe they're blocked?"

"No, I don't see anything blocking them..."

     It had been over a year since Bf and Gf fought Senpai and Spirit, and ever since the ai had slowly become more and more self aware. If this keeps up he might become a real person..! Spirit thought as he stopped trying to listen.

"Maybe we'll have better luck next time..." Spirit was about to stop when he heard a door shut.

"What the-" Spirit had focused on listening once again.

"What? Did you see something?"

"No... But I heard something..!"

"What? What is it?"

"I heard a door shut and- Shh! I think I see someone..!"

     Senpai got closer as he tried to look, sadly he couldn't see a thing so he relied on Spirit to figure out what was going on.

"Is that... Who I think it is..?"

"Is it that worm and his girlfriend?"

"No... It's her father." Spirit said, disgust and anger evident in his voice.

"What's he doing down here?"

"I don't know... But I hope he turns this damn game on so I can tear him apart limb by limb and leave this hellhole!"

"Uhh... Ok?" Senpai didn't get the concept of revenge at all, only that the feeling he got whenever he thought of that cyan haired brat and his girlfriend, and what he'd do to them if he could, was exactly that.

"He's speaking, I'll try to translate what he's saying to you."

"Maybe I'll be safe in here... I need a plan of some kind or I'll end up like them eventually..."

"What does that mean?" Senpai asked.

"Dunno, but he has a bunch of food and he's... Barricading the door?"

"Maybe it's the a poll call ipse!"

"Haha, very funny. And that's NOT how you say that."

"Damn, worth a shot I guess."

     The two stood in silence as Spirit watched Daddy Deareat barricade the door a bunch, before eventually stopping and laying down on the couch.

"What was that all about..?"

"Did something happen?"

"Not really he just... Barricaded the door and went to sleep on the couch. Never even said why."

"Maybe I was right about before?"

"In your dreams."

     The two walked away from the edge eventually, Senpai was tired and Spirit needed time for his energy to recharge.

A/N: I'm feeling a bit better so I'm gonna try working on requests soon, until then here's a fanfic me and some pals thought of and I wrote!

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