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it was finally lunch time, and the boys all gathered in the canteen once again, chatting about whatever drama occurred in their classes

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it was finally lunch time, and the boys all gathered in the canteen once again, chatting about whatever drama occurred in their classes. the life of teenagers...

yuta, on the other hand, nibbled away at the sandwich he held while his eyes scanned the densely crowed eating hall for a cute, brunette boy. "have you seen sicheng?" he whispered partially to himself but also extending the question to the others.

"oh actually, i think he said he was going to head up to the library. he does that sometimes," jungwoo explained before turning back to the conversation that he and yukhei were having.

"so, as i was saying, i have no clue where this scratch came from!" the foreign student gasped, pointing to the scabbing scrape he had along his arm.

"i actually have quite a similar one, but i got mine from that ungrateful cat of mine," the older complained, seemingly finding no end of faults in his aggressive cat. the possibility of the street-beaten cat being a stray never even crossed the boy's mind.

yuta rolled his eyes at the pair's idiocy. while he loved talking with them, he found himself acting as the odd one out since mark and jaemin were flirting quite disgustingly. he stood up after excusing himself from the table, and briskly walked to the back stairs where all the sound seemed to fade into the distance.

"crap!" a voice hissed as a clumsy, lanky teen dropped his large pile of books and paper with quite a thunk. "so stupid, jisung. so stupid," he scolded while gathering the pages from the ground with a pout adorning his adorable face. his cheeks puffed out as he sighed at his run of bad luck.

"you okay?" yuta called out to the struggling younger who looked up with his round-rimmed glasses lopsided on his face. he swiftly adjusted them before waving his hands to reassure the senior that he was alright.

"i'm okay. thanks for asking," he whispered while finally standing to his full height which was surprisingly quite a bit taller than yuta. "just a little clumsy."

"aren't we all?" the older crouched down to pluck a single sheet from the ground. his eyes scanned over the black writing before he placed it at the top of the stack that the taller held. "you quite like history, hmm?"

jisung sheepishly grinned and nodded, not even denying his 'nerdy' love for the subject.



"well jisung, i hope that your test goes well." yuta patted the younger's back before walking away. the other glanced to the page atop the pile and noticed the words 'exam revision' printed in bold writing.


soon the handsome upperclassmen was out of sight, the blonde boy continued on his way, thankful for the older's kindness.

meanwhile, yuta walked past the empty classrooms with little expression on his face. a melodic tune rung through the air as he hummed to himself quietly. the hallways were now completely empty, the only sounds, bar his self-created music, being the clicking of his heels.

finally, he came face-to-face with the school's library, a room he had never set foot in throughout his years at the high school.

not knowing the ground rules well, the japanese student pushed against the door and let himself in. silence enveloped the library quite comfortingly, and almost immediately, the eyes of the librarian became fixated upon the new arrival. "can i help you?" the older woman asked while looked to the boy down the nose of her glasses.

"i'm actually looking for a friend, but thanks anyway."

the woman nodded again before looking back to the computer.

tip-toeing to avoid breaking the tranquility that the room held, yuta looked from isle to isle in hopes of finding the source of his recent fascination.

his eyes peeped through gaps in the shelves where a book or two would be missing, or he would look at the sheltered areas where the bookshelves all met, shedding little light on the typically unsociable students.

the deeper into the room he got, the more nervous he became at the thought of talking to sicheng again. even the thought of the boy alone made his heart pound erratically.

the dynamic that the pair shared was a special one that offered comfort and instant calmness when each other were there. it was a feeling that yuta wanted to feel more.


the older boy quickly brought his hand up to his mouth, silencing himself without a moment of thought.

there, on a pastel blue chair, lay the sleeping form of sicheng who held a book in one hand while the other protectively wrapped around his knees, pulling them in close to his chest.

he must have been really tired, yuta thoughts as he carefully approached him, being sure to not wake him. he slid off his school blazer and placed it over the softly snoring teen. so pretty.

he found himself admiring each gorgeous aspect of the student before him. the way sicheng's lips were curled into a small pout, or the little tufts of tousled hair that didn't sit quite right. maybe it could have been the light dusting of a blush that seemed to consume the younger's cheeks in his presence that made him feel this way, but yuta liked it. he liked how nervous yet happy he felt around the taller.

"i hope you rest well," he whispered while curling up beside the chair and awaiting the younger's awakening. he couldn't leave sicheng in such a vulnerable position.

once again, yuta thought to the conversation that they'd shared the previous night and he couldn't help but frown.

hopefully my soulmate's like him...

𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝗸𝘆; yuwin ᴮᴼᴼᴷ ᵀᵂᴼWhere stories live. Discover now