"They are really cute together." Sammy says with a giggle and Sofia joins in. "They are the perfect couple and they are so cute, it's sickening." I tell them with a laugh. We all laugh before I go back around to the back of the wheelchair. 

I wheel them the rest of the way to the cafeteria. Sofia takes off in a run. "Sof, don't run in the cafeteria!" I tell her. She stops running. "Sorry, Uncle Alex." She turns around to apologize.

I give her a nod and she walks over to Meredith and Addison. "Auntie Mer, Auntie Addie!" She says to them, giving them a big hug. "Hi, princess!" Mer says. "Hi, baby girl." Addison says.

"Who do we have here?" Meredith asks, as I am bringing Timmy and Sammy over. "These are my new friends, Timmy and Sammy." Sofia says excitedly.  

Just then Amelia, Maggie, Link, Jackson, April, Richard, Jo, and Andrew come over to see Sofia. "Oh good, I am glad you are all here. I have kiddos I want you to meet." I tell them. They all take a seat and listen intently. "There are Timmy and Sammy Robbins, Arizona's niece and nephew." I tell them with a nervous smile.

They all stand there or sit in shock with their mouths agape. I was about to speak up again when Timmy did it for me. "I may only be 7, but I am pretty grown for my age. I know those looks. No one knew about us, not even Auntie Arizona. Our daddy, Timothy Daniel Robbins was in the army and so was our mommy. Daddy died and mommy thought it would be too sad to contact our Nana and Papa so we didn't see them anymore. And then she died too and we were put with a mean family in Seattle. Auntie Arizona didn't know who we were because daddy wanted to wait until he was done with the army to introduce us so he could stay for her and us. She just finished becoming a doctor and daddy didn't want to ruin it for her. So now we ran away from our foster home and that's how we ended up here at the hospital. We met Dr. Y/n first, she made me all better with Auntie Callie. And then we met Auntie Arizona, and Nana and Papa are up in the room. Oh and we met our new friend Sofia!" Timmy finishes his story.

"Well, we are happy to have you here. I wish it was for better reasons, but we are here for you. Want me to introduce you to everyone?" Meredith says and they both nod. "I got this Auntie Mer." Sofia says confidently. "Go ahead, princess." Mer says with a smile.

She goes up to everyone as she says their name. "This is Auntie Maggie. This is Auntie Amelia. This is Uncle Link. This is Uncle Jackson. This is Auntie Jo. This is Uncle Andrew. This is Uncle Richard. This is Auntie April. This is Auntie Mer, and this is Auntie Addie. Oh, and you know Uncle Alex already." She finishes with a giggle. 

"It is very nice to meet all these new Aunties and Uncles!" Timmy says with a smile. "That is so many aunties and uncles." Sammy says. "It is, but you get used to it." I tell them with a laugh.

I grab them what they want from the line and we all sit back at the table.

Arizona's POV

I managed to get changed and to my car in record time. I knew Y/n would take about 45 minutes to get to the park so I didn't want to just chase after her right away. 

I stop at the store and grab her favorite drink and snack since I know she wouldn't have had lunch. I was hoping she'd eat and talk to me.

I get to the park and park my car. I go to the bench over to the bench and find Y/n sitting with her head in her hands again, trying to catch her breath. "Hey, sweet girl. I brought you a Gatorade and a pack of Oreos. I know you didn't have lunch." I tell her softly, trying to not startle her.

She pats the space right next to her on the bench and I sit down without hesitation. Without saying anything, she puts her hand on my thigh, stroking up and down slowly. I didn't want to break the silence or the bubble we were in where our unspoken words were blissful, but I knew someone would eventually have to talk.

"I'm sorry for leaving earlier, I was just getting overwhelmed. Not for anything you all did, it wasn't that at all. Just that you all were able to all reunite with each other after all of these years and I wouldn't be able to do that. All I have is Alex who I am related to, now you have two additional blood relatives." She pauses and deeply sighs. "I guess I am just jealous, which is horrible to say about 7 year olds. But I don't know. I sound stupid, it was a dumb thing to say. I'm really just an idiot." She says, putting her head in her hands again.

"Hey, hey, hey. Please don't say that. You are so smart, intelligent, not to mention incredibly beautiful. It's okay to feel that way. I understand. It's a lot to take in and you did an incredible job preparing me to meet them and telling me about them. You put me first, like you always do. Now it's my turn to take care of you. I know this has taken a lot out of you and you've provided Timmy with the best care. Let me take care of you, don't make me go all protective fiancée. Although, I wouldn't mind to." I tell her with a smile. She brings her hand to my cheek and I lean into the touch. 

"Timmy and Sammy are going to become prominent in our lives and I think it was just a moment of guilt that I was getting in the way of that. You have a niece and nephew who are going to need you and it's not my place to insert myself into that. I guess I'm just scared they won't want me to be in your life." She tells me with a sad face, tears running down her face.

I take my thumb and wipe the tears away. "I have no doubts that they are going to love you. Not just because you are my fiancée, but you already have been so good to them. Let Timmy and Sammy tell you what they want. I already know what they want, and I think it'll be a good thing. Let them decide, but I can assure you they will want you." I tell her with a smile.

I lean in an press a soft kiss to her lips, she reciprocates by pulling me in closer by the neck. She wraps her hands around my neck and I wrap mine around her waist. We pull away and rest our heads against each others for a few minutes, not saying anything. Just enjoying each other's presence. 

"Before you even suggest running back to the hospital, I'm just going to stop you. You can eat in the car because I know you didn't eat lunch. And I really don't want to let go of you, so unfortunately you are stuck with me." I tell her with a quick kiss to the lips. 

"You won't catch me complaining about that. Want me to drive?" She asks me. "Ha, nice try. You're eating, which will be in the passenger's seat. Come on, pretty girl. Let's go see our niece and nephew." I tell her with a smile.

We get up and make our way to the car. Her hand only leaves mine to get in the car. Then my hand remains steady on her thigh for the entire ride.

We will be united together with all our friends and family. We will protect our nieces and nephew with all we have.

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