Waking up with a Headache

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Arizona's POV

I was running to the room that Alex paged about. So many thoughts were going through my mind. I didn't know if she was okay. What if something happened to her? 

Why would he page me 911 if it was just a cut? What if it's more than that. I am so scared.

I finally make it to the room and Alex is standing outside of it looking nervous.

I go to move around him and he grabs me back. "Arizona, she's okay. She has a clotting disorder and she passed out. I got her in the bed before that happened, but she's asleep right now. We are giving her blood and IV fluids to get her back up. I could only get her cut closed with adhesive for now. I was going to stitch her up while she was asleep, but I know she'll want to see you when she wakes up. So if you don't mind, I left it for you." He says innocently.

"Oh, okay. Are we sure seeing me is a good idea? You saw the way she looked at me before she left." I say sadly. "Arizona, trust me. If it were you or me, she'd want you." He says with a slight laugh.

I nod and walk in to the room with the suture kit. I look at her sadly as she lays there sleeping. I made quick work of the cut and put everything away. 

After a few hours, she is still sleeping and I am getting worried. I am pulled out of my thoughts as Nicole walks in. "How is she?" Nicole asks. "She's still not awake. Did you know about her clotting disorder?" I ask her.

She nods. "I did." She stands there with sad eyes. "I just wish I could do something for her, I wish she would have told me so I would know." I ramble. "She doesn't like to tell people. She thinks it will make her sound weak." She says sadly. "But she is so incredibly strong. She's so stubborn sometimes." I say with a slight laugh.

"I know she is, I'll leave you two here. Page me when she wakes up." Nicole says and leaves.

I am sitting there with my hand wrapped in her hair, stroking her head slightly with my thumb. Hoping she would wake up soon. Her head then moves to the side I am on and she slowly opens her eyes groggily. 

"Hey, sleepyhead." I say with a smile. "Hey, I'm happy to see you." She tells me with a soft smile. Still groggy from just waking up. "Ow, my head hurts." She states.

"What do you need? What can I do for you?" I ramble off. She moves over on the bed and taps the side of it. She wants to cuddle, of course she does. 

I move onto the bed and she lays her head on my chest. She wraps her uninjured hand around me and pulls me close to her. "You know, you scared me Y/n." I tell her. "I'm sorry. I just don't like telling people about the clotting disorder." She says. "I know, Nicole told me. You are so strong Y/n. I just want you to be honest with me with anything. I'm not going to judge you, I just want to be able to help you. We both know where we are headed and eventually we will have to make important decisions for each other if it comes to it. I just want to be able to help you, Y/n. That's all I ever want." I say with tears threatening to fall.

"Okay. How about this then? I'll tell you all my medical issues and you tell me yours. We have to make it fair." She says with a chuckle. "Deal, you first." I tell her.

"Alright. first, childhood cancer. Leukemia to be exact. Cancer free for 23 years, go me." She pauses and I kiss her on the lips quickly. "Blood clotting disorder. Hmm, shot in the chest. Seasonal allergies are a bitch." She says and we both laugh. "I think that about wraps it up for me, oh other than being madly in love with you." She wraps her hand in my hair on the back of my head and pulls me in for a long passionate kiss. 

"Okay, Battleship. your turn." She says. 

Y/n's POV

"Alright, let's see." She starts and I grab her left hand to fidget with her ring as I am listening. "I broke my arm when I was 10. Seasonal allergies are also my nemesis. Um, missing lower left extremity." She says with a laugh. "I have to say, I am not as exciting as you are apparently." She finishes.

"Trust me, I am okay with that. At least when it comes to medical issues. Can I ask you something?" I ask her. "Of course, baby. Ask away." She says with a smile.

"Were you the one who made the decision to have your leg amputated after the plane crash?" I ask hesitantly. She sighs and answers. "No, my now ex-wife made that decision for me. But I made her promise me that she wouldn't, even though I knew it was inevitable. She promised and when she had to make the decision, she knew I would hate her. For a while I did, until one day I couldn't anymore. She made the call so I could live. If she didn't, I would have died. While I knew I couldn't hate her, I know I wasn't in love with her anymore. I loved her, I still do. But I wasn't in love with her. I just simply fell out of love with her, nothing to do with the plane crash. We remain friends and I hear from her from time to time. Nothing really happened negatively, I think we just knew that it was kind of over for us." She finished explaining.

"What made you realize you weren't in love with her?" I asked nervously, fidgeting even more with her ring. "I guess it was that Callie just didn't give me butterflies anymore. We got comfortable and didn't do much for each other and neglected our relationship. Nothing drastic, we just realized we were better as friends. And we are. We talk on the phone or text sometimes to catch up." She tells me.

"Do you get butterflies now?" I ask her hesitantly, nervous for her answer. "I don't think the butterflies ever go away with you Dr. Karev. They just keep getting more and more, almost enough to make you sick. That's how many butterflies I get. And you know how I know that you're different? Because every time I am here, even if you don't see me, I look for you. In the hallways, in the elevators, in the lounge. Just to be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of you. And if you see me, I smile so hard and give you our ear tug. I will never be able to get enough of you. That's how I know you're different. You make me a better person and you make me the happiest I've ever been." She finishes with a smile.

"You really are a smooth talker, Dr. Robbins." I say as I pull her in for another long and passionate kiss. "You're a pretty good kisser, Dr. Karev." She says to me. "Just good? We'll have to fix that." I tell her and pull her in for another kiss.

A good old fashioned junior-high make out. We fell comfortably in each other's arms as we let the sleep wash over us. I have to admit, I sleep better with her next to me. 

It may be time to ask her to move in with me. I was nervous, but I think I am ready.

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