"Try and get out." I said, still pulling. It was hilarious watching him struggle. Defeated, he gave up.

"I can't." I let go and helped him back on his feet.

"What do you think?" I asked. He thought for a moment, looking at my yoyos.

"Capture moves, huh? I thought you'd pick something more offensive." He remarked.

"Well yeah, this is a finisher." I replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"What are you naming it?" The scruffy man asked.

"Uh... This is the second one, so... Final Capture Move B. the first one is Final Capture Move A. My shield move is called... Defensive Move A." He raised his eyebrows, clearly very impressed with my naming skills.

"You aren't very creative at names, are you?" I looked at him dumbfounded.

"Don't even try that. Mic already told me that he had to come up with Eraser Head for you." He huffed, looking away.



I sat in the common room, staring at a blank sketchpad in my hands. The sofa was comfortable, yet the thought of having to draw out my new costume was ruining that. I didn't wanna make any HUGE changes... but I wanted something just a little different. The deadline for submitting a new design was tonight, so I could get something out in time.

"Oi, Denki." I said, tapping my pencil against the paper. He looked up from the TV screen, where the boys were playing Mariokart.

"Huh? OH, you made me lose!" He said, as his peers sped to the finish line. He put down the controller and turned to me.

"What's up?" He asked me, glancing at the book.

"Who designed your costume?" I wanted to know. I really liked how casual his and Jirou's costumes were, so I thought that'd be the best place to start.

"Oh! It's the same one Jirou used, I'll find it and text you the name!" He answered, giving me a thumbs-up before checking through his phone.

"Thanks, Pikachu." I kept the pair's costumes in mind when coming up with my own design.

I drew the same basic costume, but this time with a leather jacket, my utility belt from Hatsume, and a pair of black steampunk-ish goggles. They had little spikes on the end, which I thought was kinda cool. The goggles were more for practicality than anything; it's kinda hard to fight when your glasses are constantly getting knocked off in the process. I wrote in the notes for clear lenses, not black, and included my prescription.

"Whaddya think?" I turned the book around, showing it to the group.

"Heeeey, you got a jacket!" Denki grinned, looking at the design.

"Those are pretty funky." Sero pointed at the goggles on the page.

"Yeah, they'll be prescription. It's just annoying when you wear glasses when fighting. And I don't even know how Iida's glasses don't fog up under that helmet..." I said, thinking of the huge wall of spectacles in his room.

"That is because I invested in anti-fog coating. Sometimes they do fall off under my helmet though..." The boy looked up from his textbook, now rethinking the practicality of his own costume.

"Get some goggles, Iida. They're the hip new trend now." I smiled, walking past him to go scan in my drawing and email it off.

Sipping my sweet as fuck tea, I leant against the copier, waiting for it to upload to my USB stick. The copier was in the upstairs office, and it was the first time I'd been in there. My eyes wandered to Aizawa's cubicle, curious of what lay behind that damn divider that blocked my view of it.

I peeked around, smirking a little at the plainness. Just like him. Apart from a small, framed picture of the two of us on it. It was a picture of me clinging to a very grumpy-looking Shouta, that Mic insisted he take once I complained that we had no pictures together. I was glad he liked that one.

"Ah, Young L/N. What brings you to our copier?" All Might asked walking in with a smile, looking at the beeping machine.

"Oh, hey. I was just scanning in my new hero outfit design." I unplugged the USB stick, and took out the sketchbook.

"May I have a look?" I handed him the book, and watched him nod in approval.

"I like that. It's very you." He commented, taking a seat at his desk.

"Hey, All Might. Can I ask you a question?" I sipped my tea as he logged onto the computer.

"Go ahead." He turned around in the chair and met eyes with me.

"Seeing as you're the number 1 hero and all, I was interested to know your opinion on this. Do you truly think a quirkless person can become a great hero, such as yourself?" His eyes widened at my question, before smiling sadly and moving his gaze to the floor.

"A young person asked me that very same question not too long ago. But, I am ashamed to say that I answered very wrongly. I said 'no', and told him to become a police officer or something similar to that. You have certainly proved me wrong, however. I think you will most surely become a great hero that gives pride to the name of U.A.. I am quite excited to see what you do in the future, Y/N." He finished his answer with his classic grin.

"Hm. Thank you. That means a lot coming from you." I fiddled with the USB in my hands, avoiding eye contact with him. Validation from the number 1 hero is kinda a big deal, so it was hard to explain how... at peace I felt. Peace with who I was, and what I had been through to get to this point.

"Goodnight, All Might." I said quietly, heading off to my room.

However, the absolute last thing I expected and wanted to see was in my room.

My father.

My heart stopped.

The man was of an average build, a little bit of a 'dad-bod' going, and that shitty bald patch on the back of his head was growing faster than ever. As soon as the door opened, his eyes were straight on me.

He sat on my bed, resting his elbows on his legs and holding the photo of Aizawa and I. Meeting him again wasn't something I was quite ready for, and I was truly scared of this man.

Yet, I put on my bravest face. The never-ending, familiar façade I took on to feel strong, invincible, unbreakable.

But he broke me. And while you can glue the pieces back together, it will never be the same. It will never be whole again.

"The fuck are you doing here?" I interrogated in a low tone, trying my hardest not to allow my voice to quiver.

"Y/N... I just wanted to talk..." He got up, slowly approaching me. I backed away, tail tucked between my damn legs.

"Just get out." I said, a tone of threat in my voice.

"Give me a chance, please... I'm your dad, after all..." The man pleaded. A pang of guilt shot through my chest, and with a deep breath, I entered and shut the door behind me.


A/N- Please read!

Hey! Bit of a shorter chapter, as i have an idea! A character Q&A! So basically, you can comment any questions for any character that you have about the story events, other characters, anything like that. For Y/N, you can also ask questions about her life and pretty much anything goes. You can also ask the author, about anything in the story at all. Or anything else, if you want. Once again, anything relevant goes! If i do get any questions, i'll probably upload the answers at the end of next chapter, or the chapter after depending.

Also, holy shit 1.6k reads. WTF!!! And #1 in #aizawaxreader ! I've been getting a few new readers lately, and i woke up to 63 wattpad notifications today lmao. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! I never thought it would go this far!

Tata for now,


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