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An: I know this is Steve and  Peggy"s song but I absolutely adore it and listen to it all the time so I wanted to use it here.

[this is mostly fluff and maybe a lil sad]

The soft jazz music played in the background as you dried the last of the dishes and placed them back in their rightful spots.

Bucky had been away for over a week now, you understood the risks of him being an avenger and how he would have to be away weeks at a time sometimes, but that didn't make you miss him any less.

You twisted the engagement ring on your finger praying for him to come home safely.

"Having second thoughts?"

You snap your neck around to see your fiancé stood in front of you.

You gasp and jump into his arms, he automatically picks you up and you wrap your arms around is neck inhaling his scent, he was sweaty, having obviously just come straight from the compound.

"I missed you baby" you say into his neck as he held you tighter, your legs hooked around his back, with his metal arm supporting you.

"I missed you so much more doll."

You lift your head and begin to play with the locket around his neck, you had given it to him for his birthday. 

"Open it" he says noticing what your doing

You pry open the locket and begin to cry again, it was a picture of the two of you, the day you got engaged.

"Buck.." you whisper

"Do you like it?"

"I love it" you shut the locket and hugged him closer, his head on your chest and your face in his hair.

"Hey, hey, why are you crying?" He says feeling your wet tears against his neck.

"Every time you leave I'm terrified you won't come back and I hate living like that" you sob. All the fear and anxiety you usually pushed away surfaced it ugly head at the most inopportune moments.

"I'll quit"

"What? No that's not what I meant.." you say slipping down out of his arms looking directly at him "you love your job"

"But I love you more. I don't care where I work, I just want you"

You shake your head and begin to walk back into the kitchen and close the door. Leaving your fiancé in the hallway. The music still playing. You felt guilty leaving him alone out there like that, but his words left you in a confused state.

"I'll quit"

You wouldn't let yourself be the one to tear him away from his job. You knew he loved to help people, and this was how he did it. To right all the wrongs he made as the winter soldier, to do good, to heal old wounds.

You felt guilty letting your own insecurities take over like that.

"Y/n let me in" Bucky says knocking on the

You unlock it but still you sat on the floor.

"Will you dance with me? This is our song. You can go back to being mad at me after." He says offering you his hand.

You say nothing but stand up and take his hand and he pulled you into his chest your hand in his and his arm around your waist.

Still you were lost in guilt at his words.

Haven't felt like this my dear
Since can't remember when
It's been a long long time

The two of you sway to the music with your head on his chest, his chin rested on you, both of you remembering the first time you danced to this song together.

Your eyes fell closed, listening to the beating of his heart, the smell of his cologne tangled with the dirt and sweat. It provided a comfort you could never find anywhere else.

You'll never know
How many dreams I dream about you
Or just how empty they all seem without you

"I'm quitting y/n" he says, you say nothing, continuing to listen to the sound of his heart. "I don't love my job, I don't like hurting people, no matter who they are, that's the old me. The winter soldier. I don't want that"

So kiss me once

"I want to live a long and happy life with you y/n"

Then kiss me twice

"You're all I want. I want to marry you and have kids with you. This job means nothing in comparison to a life with you. I'll always choose you"

Kiss me once again

"I love you Bucky."

Is all you can manage to say, tears slipping out of your eyes. You knew this man would lay down the world for you, he was everything to you, and you were everything to him.

It's been a long long time

The slow music died down and Bucky pulled you away to look at you, looking into your eyes.

"I choose you y/n"

"I choose you too"

He kisses you gently and pulls you back into a hug.

"You still mad at me?"

"I was never mad Buck, just scared. I let my own insecurities take over and I'm sorry."

He kissed the top of your head, and in that moment everything was okay, you were both safe and together. That was what was important

Bucky Barnes x reader  one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now