Chapter 4: Bermugula's Orbit, ????

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Bertram: This is the spot where the Rift Generator is located.

Brian: Holy crap! We're in space!

Stewie: It says here that this is the universe of Bermugula's Orbit.

Coco: The year?

Stewie: Okay, that's weird. The year is unknown.

Dr Cortex: Let's shut it down already!

Brian: Let's go!

Dingodile: G'day mates!

Coco: Dingodile?!

Stewie: Bender?!

Dingodile: Easy, chums. If I was here to fight, you'd be cactus.

Bender: We know about the Quantum Rifts.

Mario: We gave them the details about the time and space, thingy.

Luigi: Dingodile here just wants to get home.

Dingodile: I was enjoying the retired life, see. Then I found this robot that came from the future.

Stewie: We get you, dude. Our bad guys had a change of heart too.

Bertram: True.

Dr Cortex: "Bad guys"?

N Tropy: Silence, whelp!

Oxide: But, sir!

Bender: Who the hell is that?

Stewie: That's Nitros Oxide, self proclaimed fastest racer in the galaxy. He once tried to turn our world into a concrete parking lot, but Crash and Co beat him.

N Tropy: You try my patience, Oxide.

Oxide: But...

N Tropy(♀️): Now, now. I'm sure this insect knows how to obey an order.

Tawna, Dr Cortex, and Bertram: N Tropy!

Brian: A female N Tropy?!

N Tropy(♀️): Take your ship to Planet Bermugula and be on the lookout for ships approaching the Rift Generator. We can't afford any unwanted visitors.

Oxide: At once, your foulness!

N Tropy: You manage our affairs with such poise.

N Tropy(♀️): Naturally. As do you.

Stewie: 🤢 That is disturbing!

Coco: 🤢

Mario and Luigi: Mama mia...

Dingodile: Heh heh heh heh...

Bender: What an moron...

Brian: Let's just go already.

The heroes split up in Bermugula's Orbit.

Bertram: We got to find that ship!

Dr Cortex: Ugh, if only I hadn't replaced my blaster's "teleport" with that "hairdry" function!

Bertram and Cortex went to where the ship was.

Oxide: Ship launch in 10, 9... ugh, I should've started at 3. BLAST OFF!

Bertram: We gotta hurry!

Bertram and Cortex tried to stop the ship.

Brian: Oxide's ship! It's getting away!

Oxide: September 9th, entry seven. Dear Diary, that rash still hasn't gone away and...

Bertram: 🤢

Stewie: 🤢

Bertram: You ain't getting away!

Tractor beam... enabled.

Dr Cortex: 😌

Stewie: Bertram and Cortex stopped it.

Brian: Let's go! We'll take Oxide's kart!

Crash, Coco, Stewie, and Brian were unexpectedly tied up.

Brian: What the hell's your problem?!

Tawna: I'm not losing you guys in this dimension too. Mario, Luigi, I'll take it from here.

Coco: But... we're a team...

Bender: What'd we miss? Oh God! I'll get you out of that.

With Tawna

Tawna: Oof! 🤕

N Tropy(♀️): What's the matter, hero? Couldn't solo this one?

Mario: That's enough! Let her go!

Bertram: You've gone way too far, N Tropys!

N Tropy(♀️): The last time I killed her friends, her screams were exquisite.

Stewie: What?!

N Tropy: Delicious.

Tawna: No!

N Tropy: Let's make this fun. Give them a sporting chance!

N Tropy(♀️): Ooh.

Brian: What do you mean?!

N Tropy: Let's see what you mongrels can do as a pack.

Crash, Coco, Stewie, and Brian were teleported somewhere else.

Bertram: I was gonna kill Stewie first!

After the battle

N Tropy: Curse you...

N Tropy(♀️): ... bandicoots!

Stewie: Your time is up, N Tropys!

Brian: We did it!

Tawna: Yeah, we did!

Everyone: YEAH!

Bertram: "Unable to handle even this simplest of tasks", you say?

Dr Cortex: Me nor Bertram no longer have need for our...

Bender: FORE!!!

Dingodile whacked the N Tropys.

Bender: Those N Tropys can bite my shiny metal ass!

Dr Cortex: ...alliance.

Stewie: Now to close the Quantum Rifts.

The Quantum Masks shut down the the Rift Generator closing the Quantum Rifts.

Bender: That's done!

Dingodile: Oy, about my ticket home...

Kupuna-Wa: Right! Now that we've mended things, we can take you anywhere, anywhen... after we rest. For now I can only get us as far as the culinary capital of the universe: Neon City!

Brian: Oh my God! Neon City?

Stewie: I want to see this Neon City!

Mario: Let's-a go!

Akano: 🤤 Nachos.

To be continued...

Next time Bertram and Cortex will head to the Sn@xx Dimension. See ya later folks!

Bertram's Adventures of Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About TimeWhere stories live. Discover now