Chapter- 4

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The soft music rolled in the background as the house staff at the first floor huddled into a mass at one shady corner behind the huge velvety rich curtains draped over the massive pillars. The glow from the huge chandelier casted a mizzly glow at their peering faces which certainly showcased the similar expressions— awed, nervous, and more than delighted as they surveyed the elite guests of the party in their designer clothes and business suits frolicking around.

They have never witnessed such arrangements and people. The only grand thing they were ever used to was this villa which could be easily spotted from their village. It looked rustic in spite of its grandness and remained untouched for years. 

Their village was situated at the outskirts of the city, neglected from essentials, undisturbed, and forgotten from its remote valley. The inhabitants were mostly artisans and peasants who always had to migrate in search of better income but when the news of this villa was put 'on sale' circulated, everyone felt ecstatic. It was a rare chance of finding employment and the new owner was generous enough to provide them a golden opportunity.

The male population was deployed for renovation while the females were given the charge of preparing paid meals for the workers. 

The villagers were beyond happy and thankful to the new owner, Korn which was basically a misunderstanding everyone had concurred. Later they all got to know about the 'big boss' from Korn, their source of happiness and well-being but never got a glimpse of him in person.

Korn made his way through the hallway and winked at the group of housemaids standing in the corner away from the guests' sight. The group giggled at his harmless flirting they have gotten used to but not to his handsome feature which can bring blush to the ladies of all age groups. For them, Korn was like a movie star they could only see on the screen of their televisions.

The group of ladies saw Korn stopping in front of the door to the largest suite of the villa and knock twice. In the span of two months after the completion of renovation Korn occupied the suite near the library while the largest suite remained closed. The door opened with a click and the most handsome man they have ever laid their eyes on in their entire life, aside from their boss Korn, emerged from the room. Korn was indeed handsome, bulky handsome to be exact, and had his own charm but this man was too superior and his manner too cold. He was, they thought a touch unfairly, too handsome as well, with velvety brown eyes that complemented his dark hair to perfection. He was tall, certainly over six feet, although probably not by more than an inch. More to the point, he had a certain air about him, something almost predatory, something that hinted of tightly controlled strength and power.

Their mouths fell open at the rare sight of a deliciously handsome man so close to them. The house staff, especially the young girls belonging to marriageable age groups and some middle-aged ladies who seemed too bored of their husbands and never leaves a chance to feast their eyes on the unimaginably devastatingly handsome men they encounter. Transfixed, one of the older housemaids among the group found herself asking to no one in particular, "Omo, who is that handsome man?"

A shy girl, the new addition to their group and one of the youngest among them watched him with dreamy eyes before answering coyly, "He is Darvid Kreepolrerk Sajangnim, above Korn Saajang."

Others surrounding her shot a questioning look to her side. She looked down and muttered quietly, "I met him today."

The housemaids, married and unmarried, released a disappointed sigh for losing the chance that should have fallen into their laps.

Korn who seemed so happy frowned at Tae who was oblivious to his surroundings and certainly believed in 'ignoring Korn is a bliss' walked at a leisurely pace. His gaze was plastered on his cell phone, his eyebrows drawn into a slight frown which looked barely visible, and had his thumb looming over the screen probably contemplating over something.

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