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louis pov

⚠️- sexual assault, attempted r@pe

"for fuck sake, zayn". louis huffed out, getting dragged along by the larger man. "i told you over and over again that i can't be arsed to go tonight, i'm tired". his breath coming out in puffs due to the cold winter evening.

zayn rolls his eyes. "it's your birthday, louis". speaking to him like it's obvious. "you go partying every other night, why is it different on your birthday?".

louis shivered again, not wanting to be reminded of that night ever again. "maybe i just want a break, zayn. why are you so bothered anyway?". he says, rubbing his hands on his arms, still being forced to walk.

all he wanted to do was lay in bed, why couldn't zayn just let him?

"i don't know. just don't want you to be alone and sad on your birthday, again". he breathed out. "i remember what happened last year, lou" he breathed out, sadly.

zayn was the only one louis had ever told about that night. the only one he'd ever trusted enough to tell. and now he decided to use that against him?

louis looked up and saw the bright lights of the party. it smelled of cigarettes, sweat and alcohol all mixed into one. gross. but oddly comforting.

zayn, curious as of louis' lack of response, sighs. "it's okay, lou. we're here now". he pats the younger boy on his back and proceeds to walk up the steps of the houseparty.

"louis, i didn't know you'd be coming tonight lad. y'know? seen as what happened last year. happy birthday". a random guy said. louis didn't know who he was, probably some guy he fucked.

louis doesn't answer him though. just simply pushed past him with a mean, hard glare.

zayn had already gone to find a girl he'd later hook up with that night, louis knew that he didn't go to that party for him.

louis makes his way over to the kitchen and finds the nearest bottle of tequila. he grabs it with one hand and takes large gulps of the brown liquid. he cringes at the taste, obviously not used to it by now.

he was forced to stop his chugging when a guy comes walking over to him. black hair. brown eyes. slight stubble on his chin. bingo.

"i'm brendon, and you?" the guy says, looking louis up and down.

"i'm louis, what are you doing here tonight?". he took louis' hand and delicately kissed the top of it.

the guy sighed in response. louis cringes due to the smell of alcohol, he probably smelled the exact same though. "nothing, really. how about you?". it was odd as the guy looked in his late-30s; but most of the people here were in their early-20s.

"just wanting to get some things off my mind. it's my birthday". brendon smiled lightly to him.

"how old".

"ugh... 18". the older man smirked evily due to the answer.

"an adult then, yeah?". louis nods quickly. he somehow never got used to the small talk beforehand. it was always weirdly uncomfortable.

brendon nodded, signalling to go upstairs. louis nodded in response. the same cycle over and over again.

he grabs louis' hand and proceeded to walk up the stairs. pushing past the large amount of students on them.

he pushed open the door to the second bedroom and closes it. pushing louis to the back of it. kissing him roughly. too rough.

brendon grabbed him and pushed him so that he was facing the door and forced him against it.

louis heard the sound of him unzipping his fly and pumping himself. he closed his eyes as tightly as he could. he choose to spend his birthday like this. why couldn't zayn have just listened to him when he said no?

brendon harshly forced louis' pants down and grabs his bum. louis hissed in pain as he smacked it. definitely leaving a bruise behind.

he heard him pumping himself more and then finally felt the familiar pressure. it hurt.

then the movement. fast. way too fast.

he closed his eyes tightly again. trying his best to not let his tears slip. he was stronger than that.

"i'm sorry. i can't do this". louis quickly grabbed his pants and pulled them back up. he didn't even dare to look at the angry expression on the mans face.

he never said no before. no matter how bad it got in the past, he never said no. maybe it got too much.

"fucking tease. you're all the same". louis winced at brendon's harsh words and forced the door open.

he quickly ran through the house to the kitchen again and poured himself a shot of tequila, again, and forced it down his throat. he never did get used to the horrid taste.

"are you okay" an unfamiliar voice asked.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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