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~Somewhere ~

The group of kids where looking around this specific stor of clothing when one started to look around to look for someone who wasn't in the group anymore. 'Did he separate from us' .

"Hey, Kirishima are you okay, you've been looking around for a bit now" Mina said to him in a questionable voice.

"Well I just noticed that bakubro isn't here with us" Kirishima said looking around. "Actually I saw him go the other direction that I think have cafes or food stores" said mina. "Lead the way then!" Kiri said with his normal grin.

Bakugo's pov

"Please come by again" The cashier said as I just nodded and opened the door for the little on- I mean the kid."

"Thank you so much for buying this cool cupcake" (Y/n) said with sparkles in his eyes.

"No probl-" "BAKUBRO" I was cut of by (already knowing by the nickname) shitty hair. "Hey dude what are you doing here and why is there a kid with you also" Kirishima said.

"Well one I tried to stay away from you freaks two I found him scanning around the outside the cake shop" I said with a annoying voice since they found me way early then I thought. "Kinda surprised that you haven't yelled at him of you being the future number 1 hero" Raccoon eyes said mumbling thinking I didn't hear her

"SHUT UP YOU CHEWED UP GUM" 'He's way calmer when he's not around them huh?' tiny chibi-chan (y/n) thought as he kept eating his cupcake with a bit of sprinkles getting on his Chubby cheeks

I saw raccoon eyes go talk to (y/n). "Where's the rest of the class or Mr. Aizawa" I asked. "Well they stayed behind at the clothe shop we where at" Kirishima replied as I nodded. "What's with the kid" Kirishima said with questionable look. I looked at him with a straight face then turn to look behind him since (y/n) was standing there talking to mina about his cupcake still having the sprinkles on his cheek.I told him about how I found him and how he didn't have a family or even home and that I bought him something to eat while looking at the couple people passing by the streets. "Ok but now the question is what are you gonna do with the kid, You found him, You gave him some food that maybe he always wanted now what do you do bakubro" Kirishima said with now a sort of serious voice but still using that dumb nickname

"What's the best option huh?" I said mumbling to myself but shitty hair still available to hear me. "I mean look at him dude you can't leave him knowing he doesn't have a home or family the only option, well two actually one take him to a kids orphanage or take him on you own hands with Aizawa's help" Kirishima said with a sad and serious voice.

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