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TW: Thoughts, Cursing, (kinda/mini?) Panic attack, mentions of abuse, and blade. (tell me if i missed any please)


Its been two weeks, that means today I  have to go back to that hell hole that I call a home. If I'm being honest, I don't really wanna leave, but I know I have to. I've been having so much fun with all of my friends. Everyone has already packed and Wilbur's is dropping me off at my house. I walk out with my suitcase and see that Wilbur is already in the car. I throw my suitcase into the backseats and sit in the passenger seat. I start thinking about what would happen when I get home, would it be bad? I start fighting with my hands and I can hear my breath speeding up. I feel the car come to a stop and hands wrap around my body. I then hug the person back and start crying into their shoulder while mumbling, "I don't wanna go back to that hell hole," and "What's gonna happen to me?" I feel circles being rubbed softly on my back and someone telling me to copy their breathing...



I hear heavy breathing and sniffles coming from the left of me so I turn my head to see a very stressed tommy. I find a parking lot and pull into an empty space. I pull him into a hug and then start trying to calm him down by rubbing circles on his back while trying to hear what he's mumbling, it doesn't make sense though. "Copy my breathing, alright?" I then breathe in deeply and then exhale a few times. I look at his face and then hug him again while mumbling sweet nothings into his ears. He's calmed down by now so i decide to approach the question to him lightly. "Tommy," I say in a soft voice "Why were you crying?"


"Why were you crying?" Oh no, what do I do? Do I tell him the truth? Do I lie? Should I just do both? Yeah sure. "Uh, you promise not to be mad?" I mumbled loud enough for him to hear, "Of course! I promise" He then pats my head and I smile a bit. "Well, whenever my dad is home he uh.." I cant decide if I want to lie or not. If I tell the truth my ''dad'' is gonna hit me. "He yells at me and, uh, does other things," I look at him and he looks a bit worried. He turns his head back to the road and starts to drive again, "Like what?" I can hear the worry lace his voice, "stuff" I mumble. I then realize Wilbur turned around and we're going back. I smile to myself and thanking the lord that I don't have to go back.


I do a doubletake at Tommy and sees he is smiling more than I have ever seen, what goes on at his house? "Hey Tommy I know you don't wanna tell me now but please, tell me what's going on there soon. For now you can stay with me! And if you want we can get Phil and Techno to stay," I pull into the driveway and see that tommy just slightly nodded his head while looking at me, but he turned away. I laugh to myself and grab his suitcase. I lock the car and grab his hand while walking inside. I put down tommy's suitcase and cover his ears since he probably doesn't like yelling, "TECHNO? PHIL?" I see them both walk towards us from the kitchen and uncover Tommy's ears, "He'll be staying with us for a little bit, is that fine?" they both nod their heads but i see techno looking at something on tommy's suitcase from the corner of his eyes. I then notice Tommy went with Phil to the living room, "Hey techno, what are you staring at?" I then looked at his face, why is he shocked? What's going on? He then reaches for something from the side of Tommy's suitcase and pulls out a pocket knife with small blood stains and a little amount of bandages, "Oh shit." I mumble, "Techno we'll talk to him when Phil's asleep, Phil cant know yet," I whisper to him, "Alright," I heard him mumble then sniffle. He hands me both the items and then walks back to his room. Why does he do this to himself? We need to help him before it gets worse. I go to my room and put them in my drawer for when we talk to him. Does he do this as a stress reliever? Break from reality? I have so much questions, and mixed feelings about this. Worried, surprised , sad, mad? I just hope this isn't what we think it is.

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